
Theosophical library and reading room of Alma M. Karlin (TKBAK) wishes and has mission to be place of research and learning that, which is in core of all living beings. Because of that we invite like minded to join us on way of discovering, which addresses our interior. Some of us respond to different philosophies, art, some respond to science, much of us to growing (people, self, plants…), ecology; almost all love fun, creativty and genuine relationships.
Wide range of speakers from different areas with rich knowledge and personal experiences will help us to uncover part, maybe unknown, of self and world. Program of events and lectures are listed by topics, which complement, connect and support with each other. Entire calendar of events can be seen here.
Also, we invite you to register with e-news over which we will regulary inform you about events and news, associated with our working.

Teosophy and esoterics


“Theosophy and is much more than just a collection of knowledge – it is very own thing, to which knowledge points. Teosophy is ocean of inner life just under surface of existance …” says A.E. Donat. This life philosophy, through education and informing among other objectives support people toward tolerance to others, which is very important in modern world. Theosophist is honest truth searcher, therefore he is open to different religions and philosophical branches; he is also curious researcher yet unexplained laws of nature. Today, we name Esoterics as science, because it is  collection of rich knowing about inner world, which stays hidden inadvertently.

Esoteric is surrounded by shadow of secretness, therefere it’s researching is even more attractive. It will be interesting to know that esoterics is not just spirituality, therefor it’s researching is even more attractive. It will be interesting to know that esoterics is not just spirituality; it is spirtiual growth of individual, evolution of entire universe and much more, which we will uncover at our lectures.



Human with belief sistems and acts, that are his religions, does express his relationship toward sacred. In heart of all religious traditions, there is hidden very alike message, but because of our ability of countless interpretations it has become source of hate and dispute. At our evenings we will follow way of searching of similiarities and bridges toward highest wisdom, etics, sense and truth.



Field of science means research of outer aspect of world, it measures and classifies it.
Sometimes it seems, that it comes toward it’s limits. But always new discoveries, even at
field of quantum physics, expand humans knowledge; and complement with revelations, about which many vedas speak in it’s files. There is promise of synthesis outer and inner into Oneness.




Psycolohical topics are something, that is in interest for those that cope with themselves,
relationships and new ways of living. Luckily modern psychology is not directed toward
measuring and classification: results and knowledge: checked knowledges with usable way contribute to poeple, so their life is easier and beautiful.



Teaching about nature


Ecology and natural (co)existance do inspire more and more people, because we learn that is not smart to cut branch, on which we sit. We want again to estabilish direct contact with living, which is coordinated with our genuine outer and inner nature.

Healthy food does not just make beautiful look of body, but also our internal being. How, will tell us people, that know this already. Among them are individuals and groups, bright exceptions from different areas, that stepped out from comfortable type of live. With their stories, they will inspire and support us, so we can also step on way of our “personal legend”.

Culture and fun


We can announce our experience of world through numerous way and culture belongs to more universal and creative, mainly beautiful ones. It incorporates wide range of human creativity: poetry, music…. We are happy looking forward to renewed cultural evenings. Fun gives both salt and sugar to life; it’s art to have fun, even without comic person, when we are capable to not take life and ourselves too seriously. Film evenings will be devoted to Seventh art, through stories, pictures and music they will bring closer life of others, so we can step out of personal frames and embrace world with different look. We will choose between movies that have quality, that are not so much known,
but they have strong message and artistic meaning.

Weekend workshops


It is good to sometimes stop and put, perhaps tought questions: what is (my) sense of life, how can I express best in myself, how can I contribute to community, how do I experience world, where or what is truth… On weekend workshops we will together search for answers.