

Our society is being financed from own resources and help and donations from other people. Donation doesn’t mean only financial resources, you can also donate old, used or new books to our society. They will surely find it’s place and what is important, also it’s reader. Of course we will be happy financial resources, that will be used for buying new books, to add
to our book collection, also to cultivate our activities and update equipment and all that would help our visitors to feel comfortable. More about this on page: LIST OF WANTED BOOKS
Our wish is, that we would in shortest time as possible catalogize all books, there reside in our library and offer them to wider public. Catalogization itself means big financial task, and because of that we came with idea of participation. More about this on page CATALOGIZATION.
Next ability to help to our society iz with role of book godfather. More about this option on page BOOK GODFATHER.
You can donate books personally or visit as at Muzejski trg 8 in Celje.
Financial resources can be contributed on TRR: SI56 0600 0099 5137 752 (BANKA CELJE d.d.)
There is avaiable Book of friends for all generous donators, in which they can subscribe themselves or we do that and with this gesture we show others, that with creating and designing of culture temple we weren’t alone but people with good will and fans of culture and wisdom helped us.