Donate a book
As every library, we would like to offer wide range of books from different topics. We know that a lot of interesting literature is hidden in dusty attics of old houses, at domestic top shelves or they lay forgotten somewhere in boxes in cellar. With intention of saving these books and return them to shelves, where they can be offered to knowledge eager readers, we turn to you to make something good and browse for old books, that you will not read anymore and are redundant to you, to donate them to us.
With gratitude we will accept them and repair if they are damaged and we’ll make sure they will bring happiness to people. All type of books are welcome and we are grateful for each. And if you have one from our list of wanted books, our happiness will be even larger.
Of course we are happy for every suggestion regarding books, which you can submit under your suggestions. We will be happy for your call on number +386 03 620 98 62 or +386 041 464 667 or e-mail