Deeper meaning
If the Invocation will be mass pronounced, it may become the new world religion, that which was our father to Christianity and the twenty-third psalm to spiritually oriented Jew. There are three approaches to this great Prayer or Invocation:
1. The approach of the general public;
2. The approach esotericists, aspirants and disciples of the world;
3. The approach of the members of the hierarchy.
1. The public will treat it as a prayer to the transcendent God. However, it will not be recognized as immanent in His creation; they will send it on the wings of hope – hope for light, love and peace, after which they constantly strive. They will consider it as prayer for the enlightenment of all rulers and leaders of groups that regulate the affairs of the world.
Big invocation will be treated as a prayer for the influx of love and understanding between people, so that you can live in mutual peace; as a matter after the execution of the will of God, which they do not know anything about it and which they can not understand and that is so all-inclusive that their normal reaction is patience and a willingness of holding to ask questions; as a prayer for the strengthening of human responsibility in order to recognize today evils that are plague to mankind, to be removed and non-clear source of evil to be put under control.
Finally it will be treated as a prayer for the recovery of some equally vague primary state of joyful enthusiasm and to remove pain from the face of the earth. This is quite good for them and it helps them, and is finally everything that is now possible.
2. Esoteric, spiritual aspirants and spiritually directed people will have a deeper approach with more understanding.
It will point to them to recognize world’s causes and Those, that subjectively stand after world affairs, spiritual directors of our lives. They are ready to support those with right vision, ready to show not only causes of events in different
areas of human life, but to reveal that, which will enable humanity to move from darkness into the light.
With this foundational relationship will be a need for the dissemination of expression of these facts, and a period of spiritual propaganda, designed by the pupils and carried out by esotericists will ripen. This period began in 1875 when the fact was published of the existence of the Masters of Wisdom.
It was spread in spite of the incorrect interpretations, the attack on the concept and contempt. Recognizing the substantial nature of the evidence available and the emergence of intuitive response of students of occultism and intelligence around the world has been helpful.
A new type of mysticism is increasingly recognizing; it differs from the earlier mystics for its practical interest in the affairs of the world and not only interest in the affairs of the church and religion ; It is distinguished by a lack of interest in personal development, for its ability to see God immanent in every faith, not only in their religious belief; distinguished also by their ability to live own life in the light of the divine presence.
All mystics supposed to be of the more or less capable, but modern Mystic is different from those of the past in that it is able to clearly show the art routes. He combines both head and heart, inteligency and emotions and intuitive perception, which has so far been lacking. Clear light of spiritual hierarchy now iluminates way of modern mystic, and not just the light of his soul; this will now be all over.
3. Both of these groups – the general public and aspirants of the world have among themselves those, that stand out of
average with that, they possess deeper insight and understanding; they occupy no man’s land, the bridging link between the masses and esoteric as well as the esoteric and members of the Hierarchy. Remember that members of the Hierarchy also use Great Invocation and not a day goes by that Christ himself wouldn’t use it.
Use of this Invocation or prayer and the growing expectation of the coming of Christ offers the greatest hope for humanity today. Great Sons of God have always came at the request of mankind and will always come, and the One to whom all people today are waiting is on the way.