
Man invocates divine approach in different ways; with just conceived, inarticulated call or invocative scream of masses; and also by planning and defined invoking of spiritual-oriented aspirants and intelligent workers.
Not enough has been given factor of invocation as manifested among the people of the world; yet over the years invocative scream of humanity reached the spiritual hierarchy and brought a response. This can be illustrated with the spoken words of Sri Krishna, which can be found in the Lord’s song – Bhagavad Gita, which were the publication and preparation for the coming of Christ. In this song he said:
“Whenever death of the Act occurs and the rise of illegality happens in all areas, I manifest myself. To solve the righteous and the destruction of those who do evil, firmly establishing the Act, I born at all times.”
“In evil period of the Roman Empire came Christ.”
Next example of known and very ancient invocation can be found in Gayatra mantra, where people invocate Sun with words:
»Uncover to us face of true spiritual sun, hidden behind disc of golden light, for us to known the truth and fulfull our duty, when we travel to your holy feet.«
To this we should add the four great truths, as announced by the Buddha, and as they are to all of us so known as sum of
causes and roots of troubles, which refer to humanity. There are a lot of translations of these truths, but all do contain
same longing and meaning. Between jewish Suspension instructions were given to lead people in form of great commandment and on these are based human laws, and from these laws were formed new ones, who govern human relationships on West. Then came Christ and gave us a main law of universe – law of Love.
He gave us the prayer “Our Father”, who regards fatherhood of God, the arrival of Kingdom and true human relationships. Today, humanity stands at a special and unique middle point of the unfortunate past and the future, which is full of promise, if recurrence of Christ is recognized and preparation for his arrival begins. The present is full of promises and problems; in the hands of today’s human beings and all in the near future, lies the fate of the world and if we can say with all due respect, the immediate action of Christ. The agony of war and distress of the entire human family have brought Christ to big decision in 1945, a decision that was expressed in two important statements.
To gathered hierarchy and all his disciples on earth he has announced decision to restore physical contact with humanity, if only it establishes the initial stage of right human relations. Council gave (the use of “man in the street”), one of the oldest known prayer, but it only was used by a very highly developed spiritual beings until that time. He first used it on the full moon in June 1945, subject to the full moon of Christ, as the full moon in May is of the Buddha. It was not easy to translate ancient phrases (so old that they are undated) in modern words, but it was done and the Great Invocation could potentially become a world prayer.
Human thinking is so reactionary that claim that this is one of the world’s largest prayer and that is equivalent to other verbalized expressions of spiritual desire and intention, will lead to criticism. This is not important. Only small amount of people in the early days of Christianity used Our Father, because it needed writing, expressing in understandable terms and appropriate translation, before common use became wide spread. This effort was reached during centuries. Today we have all accessories for fast distributions of Great Invocations and they were all because of Invocation used.