Directory of audio and video recordings for J. Krishnamurti

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�2020 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd

This directory contains information about, and direct links to, all the audio and video recordings of J Krishnamurti currently on YouTube (as of January 2020). Hundreds more will be added in the future. It has two sections: FULL RECORDINGS which includes complete talks and discussions and EXTRACTS which includes all the Questions & Answers from 1979 to 1985 as separate video clips, plus other selected extracts.


You can use the directory on a computer, tablet or phone and do a word search to get information about recordings on a topic of your choice. For phones and tablets please download a PDF reader app which allows word search, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can also directly go to a section such as Public Meetings USA or �Attachment� in Extracts by clicking on it in the Table of Contents. To go directly to the recordings on YouTube just click on the hyperlink provided.



For full recordings:

BR70T3 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Talk 3 - Does a Free Mind Choose?


For series:

From series: BR73T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Meetings - What relationship has the human mind to the timeless?


For extracts:

What is my responsibility toward the world crisis? (BR85Q1-WQ03)


Full recordings code

Example: AM81T1 = Amsterdam 1981 Public Talk No.1


Extracts codes

Example 1: AM69T4-SQ01 = Amsterdam 1969 Public Talk No.4 Spoken Question No.1 Example 2: OJ79T6-EX01 = Ojai 1979 Public Talk No. 6 Extract No. 1

Example 3: MA8182Q1-WQ04 = Madras 1981-82 Questions & Answers No. 1 Written question No. 4


Most common places

Genres list

AM: Amsterdam, Netherlands

BA: Bangalore, India BE: Benares, India BK: Berkeley, USA

BO: Bombay (Mumbai), India BR: Brockwood Park, England CC: Calcutta (Kolkata), India CL: Claremont, USA

CO: Colombo, Sri Lanka LO: London, England LS: Los Alamos, USA

MA: Madras (Chennai), India

ML: Malibu, USA ND: New Delhi, India NY: New York, USA OJ: Ojai, USA

RA: Rajghat, India

RV: Rishi Valley, India SA: Saanen, Switzerland SF: San Francisco, USA




Event types

C: Conversation

D: Public Discussion

DS: Discussion with Students DSG: Discussion with Small Group DSS: Discussion with Staff and Students

DT: Discussion with Teachers

DYP: Discussion with Young People

F: Film

I: Interview

Q: Public Question & Answer

T: Public Talk

1 A: Public Meetings (England)

1 B: Public Meetings (India and Sri Lanka)

1 C: Public Meetings (USA)

1 D: Public Meetings (Switzerland)

1  E: Public Meetings (Misc.)

2  A: Meetings with Young People (USA and Europe)

2  B: Meetings with Young People (India)

3  A: Small Group Discussions (Australia, Europe and USA)

3  B: Small Group Discussions (India and Sri Lanka)

4  A: Conversations (Allan W Anderson)

4  B: Conversations (David Bohm) 4 C: Conversations (Pupul Jayakar) 4 D: Conversations (Misc.)

5  A: Seminars (Europe and USA)

5  B: Seminars (India)

6  A: K School Discussions (England and Switzerland)

6 B: K School Discussions (India)

6  C: K School Discussions (USA and Canada)

7  A: Interviews

8  A: Excerpts

9  A: Films and Documentaries

Full recordings

1 A - Public Meetings (England)

BR69D1 - Brockwood Park 1969 - Public Discussion 1 - How am I to become extraordinarily alert?

Duration: 78 minutes


         Can I, being somewhat neurotic, look at myself?


Why should I take a drug when there is a much more direct, simple way of looking at myself, which is in my relationship?


Will drugs help me to get over my neuroticism? What am I to do when I know I am neurotic?

You have helped me to watch myself and to be aware of my neuroticism. Can you help me to go much deeper, or can you help me only up to a certain point?


How can I have the energy, the vitality, the intensity which makes me observe intensely?


I am learning that deeply nobody can help me, because the helper is helping me according to his conditioning.


Where there is attention there is an abundance of energy.

From series: BR69T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1969 - Public Meetings - Understanding ourselves


BR69D2 - Brockwood Park 1969 - Public Discussion 2 - Can I live completely without resistance?

Duration: 83 minutes


         Is it a fact that resistance is a wastage of energy?


Any form of conclusion or opinion is a resistance, and divides people.


I recognise I am resisting and I am learning about it, so my mind is curious to find out why I am resisting.


Why do I have opinions?


Thought takes hold of natural biological urges and demands, and transforms them into something we call cravings and appetites.


Resisting and yielding.

Shall I resist fear by cultivating courage? Can I live without comparison?

From series: BR69T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1969 - Public Meetings - Understanding ourselves


BR69T1 - Brockwood Park 1969 - Public Talk 1 - Living without resistance

Duration: 59 minutes


         Is it possible for human beings to find out if they can live in a state of non-duality?


The very nature of thought is to divide, bring about fragmentation as the observer, the experiencer, the watcher, and the thing watched, experienced observed.

A great deal of energy is necessary to be alert, aware, sensitive, to understand this separative, dualistic life of resistance.


Real meditation is when the mind is aware of itself and not creating the observer, the outsider who is looking in.


Q: How can you live peacefully or with any degree of happiness, knowing the terrible and heart- rending things that are going on in the world?


Q: Asking us to be silently aware of �what is� seems to be asking too much. The pain of �what is� seems to be much more than we can bear for any length of time without trying to escape from it.

From series: BR69T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1969 - Public Meetings - Understanding ourselves


BR69T2 - Brockwood Park 1969 - Public Talk 2 - Why are we not completely aware of the psychological dangers in which we live?

Duration: 70 minutes


         The talk starts with a short introduction about the newly created school at Brockwood Park.


One of our major problems is to be sensitive, not only to one�s own idiosyncrasies, fallacies and troubles but also to be sensitive to others.


Why is it that we are not as aware of psychological dangers as we are of physical dangers? If one has to analyse everything every day, one has not the time or the energy.

Perhaps we will be able to analyse everything by the end of one�s life, but by then life is finished. Dreaming and analysis.

Can there be sensitivity if there is a space between the thing that is observed and the observer?



Questions from the audience followed the talk.

From series: BR69T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1969 - Public Meetings - Understanding ourselves


BR69T3 - Brockwood Park 1969 - Public Talk 3 - Knowing what love is

Duration: 71 minutes


         Most of us are seeking some kind of deep significance or meaning to life.


Honesty is to see exactly �what is� without any distortion outwardly and inwardly.


Love is not sentiment, an emotional state, because sentiment and emotion change, and where there is sentiment and emotion there is great deal of cruelty and destructive ruthlessness.


The most fundamental questions are: what is living, what is love, what is death? What is the relationship between thought and pleasure?

Honesty, innocency and love must be the foundation of meditation.


To meditate you need tremendous intelligence and sensitivity, which comes through knowing oneself completely.


Questions from the audience followed the talk.

From series: BR69T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1969 - Public Meetings - Understanding ourselves


BR69T4 - Brockwood Park 1969 - Public Talk 4 - Meditation is the beginning of understanding oneself

Duration: 85 minutes


         Meditation and systems.


One can only observe when there is no image through which one is looking. When I look at myself, is the observer different from the thing looked at?

We are living in the past, we are the past, and all our activities stem from the past, and so for most of us thought is enormously important.


It is part of meditation to find out when the act of thinking is absolutely necessary and when thought must be absolutely quiet.


You can meditate while active, but perhaps it may help sometimes to sit quietly by yourself, or when you walk alone, to observe yourself and your reactions.


I can only listen to you when the mind is completely quiet, not resisting, agreeing or disagreeing, but actually listening with my whole being.


Questions from the audience followed the talk

From series: BR69T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1969 - Public Meetings - Understanding ourselves


BR70D1 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Discussion 1 - If one is conforming there is no freedom

Duration: 75 minutes


         Q: What are the implications of conforming and is it possible not to conform at all?


Why does the human mind conform?


The whole process of education is conformity. Does conformity lead to security?

Is not the observer the result of centuries of conforming?


Can the observer become aware of himself as the very essence of conformity? Are you aware of division in yourself?

When you look at a tree or the sky, are you looking through division? Can the mind be intensely aware and not create an image?

The observer becomes aware of himself not through the fragment of any action but within himself lights the fire that dissolves the observer.

From series: BR70T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Meetings - Is there an observation without the

�me� as the observer?


BR70D2 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Discussion 2 - Maturity is freedom from conditioning

Duration: 84 minutes


         Q: What shall I do when I realize that my whole life is based on thought?


Has feeling any significance apart from thought? Is love a product of thought?

Can you remain with a feeling without naming it? Despair, misery, confusion, who is feeling all this?

How has division come about between the observer and the observed? Can you look at a tree without the image?

Can you look with eyes that have never been touched by the past? Can those eyes look innocently, with freedom?


Is the thinker separate from thought?

From series: BR70T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Meetings - Is there an observation without the

�me� as the observer?


BR70T1 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Talk 1 - Observing without the �me�

Duration: 98 minutes


         Who is the observer who decides what to do, think and become? He is one fragment amongst many.


What is the action that is total? Can thought bring about total observation? Has thought created division?

The moment I am aware of my conditioning there is a duality. Can I observe myself without any image?


Can there be a learning without accumulation so that the mind is always fresh to learn? Thought sustains pleasure. Is pleasure an escape from fear?

Would conflict disappear if one became aware?

From series: BR70T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Meetings - Is there an observation without the

�me� as the observer?


BR70T2 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Talk 2 - Can one live without psychological effort?

Duration: 78 minutes


         Is there a way of living of great delight, where action is complete, without the exhausting process of pleasure?


Without formulas and concepts, can the mind see the whole of existence as one unitary movement?

Change is only possible if the mind can be made new.


Can one let go of the past and have a mind capable of learning? What is the factor that will make the mind new?

A quiet mind can observe �what is� and go beyond. Can I know I have a quiet mind? Q: What does the cessation of sorrow imply?

Does sorrow end only through self-understanding? When we no longer desire there is an end to sorrow.

From series: BR70T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Meetings - Is there an observation without the

�me� as the observer?


BR70T3 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Talk 3 - Does a Free Mind Choose?

Duration: 71 minutes


         Is divisive and destructive conditioning creating havoc in the world?


How is deep conditioning to be revealed? How is one to go beyond all conditioning?

Is the observer different from what he examines, the analyser different from what he analyses? Is there division and so conflict between knowledge and action?

Why has knowledge become so important in life? What place has knowledge in freedom?

Decision implies choice. What need is there for any choice at all? Q: Why do you need experience at all?

Q: Can a mind caught in becoming be creative?

From series: BR70T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Meetings - Is there an observation without the

�me� as the observer?


BR70T4 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Talk 4 - Does a free mind choose?

Duration: 66 minutes


         How does one go beyond the petty, shoddy little self?


Can the mind see so that the very seeing is the doing?


Usually there is an idea and then action follows. Where there is division as idea and action is conflict inevitable?


Intelligence is seeing danger and acting. Isn't self-centredness a factor of division?

Can the mind, realizing the transiency of things, find something not of time?

Meditation implies a mind free of self-deception. Q: Why does the mind endlessly chatter?

The mind is frightened if not occupied. Can thought end so that it does not sustain fear?

From series: BR70T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1970 - Public Meetings - Is there an observation without the

�me� as the observer?


BR71D1 - Brockwood Park 1971 - Public Discussion 1 - Can I live a harmonious life?

Duration: 82 minutes


         Q: What is the difference between analysis and examination of one�s immediate reactions?


Q: I am full of fears, deep-rooted uncertainties - how am I to be completely free of them?


When I analyse myself and my reactions or behaviour, there is the act and the actor. There is a division between the two and that creates conflict between �what is� and �what should be�.


At the moment of actual fear there is no division. How is it possible to look at life non-fragmentarily?

What takes place when I say I am not looking for an answer, I am not expecting a thing? What goes on in the mind?

To find out what death is, I must have energy. Can I live without fear?

From series: BR71T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1971 - Public Meetings - Meditation is the total release of energy


BR71D2 - Brockwood Park 1971 - Public Discussion 2 - Can habit end without decision or choice?

Duration: 76 minutes


         Q: Is there such a thing as decision?


Does choice exist when I see something very clearly?


How do I end a habit without resistance, without saying, �I must not, I must control, I must resist?�


If I give attention to a little problem I am wasting energy. I must find a greater energy which will dissolve the little problem.


Resistance implies not only division but conflict.

From series: BR71T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1971 - Public Meetings - Meditation is the total release of energy


BR71T1 - Brockwood Park 1971 - Public Talk 1 - Being free of the deepest conditioning

Duration: 85 minutes


         Can man ever be free, not only of the superficial conditioning of a particular culture, but also of the much deeper conditioning, of which most of us are unconscious?

The demand for psychological security is much deeper than the demand for physiological security. How is thought to function beautifully, efficiently, healthily and not create division between people? Is there a field which is not measurable by thought?

There must be a learning of observation in which thought doesn�t interfere at all. How am I to be aware of the unconscious, hidden images?

Can there be silence from which thought can operate?

From series: BR71T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1971 - Public Meetings - Meditation is the total release of energy


BR71T2 - Brockwood Park 1971 - Public Talk 2 - Action without the authority of the image

Duration: 70 minutes


         Can we have a relationship, and therefore co-operation, without the authority of the image?


How am I consciously to examine all the images which lie hidden in the recesses of my mind? Q: If the mind is in a state of disorder, what can it do?

When there is no observer in attention there is no image-forming at all.

From series: BR71T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1971 - Public Meetings - Meditation is the total release of energy


BR71T3 - Brockwood Park 1971 - Public Talk 3 - What is the relationship between the pursuit of pleasure and love?

Duration: 76 minutes


         Why does pleasure play such an important part in our lives?


When there is the quality of deep, passionate freedom, then sex has its own place. Then what is chastity?


The word �innocence� means a mind that does not hurt or receive hurts, but yet is totally vulnerable. Such a mind is a chaste mind.


What is love?


Death, love and living are interrelated.


The content of consciousness is consciousness. Without the content is there consciousness?

From series: BR71T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1971 - Public Meetings - Meditation is the total release of energy


BR71T4 - Brockwood Park 1971 - Public Talk 4 - Meditation is the total release of energy

Duration: 93 minutes


         How is one to have the quality of energy which is without friction?


When you practise a method in order to achieve enlightenment, bliss, a quiet mind or a state of tranquillity, it obviously makes the mind mechanical.

Q: What do you mean by observing greed without naming it as greed? Is it the same as observing the action of the past without naming it?


How is one to observe the whole content of consciousness, the obvious and the hidden, the superficial and the profound, in one look?


Meditation is putting aside altogether everything that man has conceived of himself and the world. Q: What is intuition?

Q: When one is aware of one�s sexual appetites they seem to disappear. Can that awareness, attention, be maintained all the time?


Q: Can we be aware of what goes on when we are asleep?

From series: BR71T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1971 - Public Meetings - Meditation is the total release of energy


BR72D1 - Brockwood Park 1972 - Public Discussion 1 - You can learn only if you do not know

Duration: 90 minutes


         Q: Does learning require thinking, or only awareness?


To be aware is to be conscious, to be in relationship with what you observe outwardly and also our inward reactions.


Awareness reveals that I have a conclusion from which I act, which prevents the free flow of energy.


You see that you have many opinions and conclusions. You don't know why you have them or how to be free of them. Start with not knowing.


Knowledge is in the past whilst learning is vital, in the present.


In learning, which is a constant movement, can opinion and conclusion ever be formed?


Can thought be slowed down naturally? In learning about the function of thought, slowing down takes place without control or effort.


Can the mind empty itself without effort?


Q: Do LSD and other drugs slow down the mind?

From series: BR72T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1972 - Public Meetings - Can there be complete freedom from thought?


BR72D2 - Brockwood Park 1972 - Public Discussion 2 - The action of intelligence

Duration: 97 minutes


         Q: Why don't we see the division between the observer and the observed?


How does the division come about which causes conflict and misery? Are we aware that we are fragmented? Why does contradiction exist? Can we have a mind that is not fragmented and contradictory?

Can the mind live without comparison?

The brain sees that nationalities and religious divisions are disastrous for human relationship. What is the capacity that makes the brain see this? Is this awareness? Is this intelligence?


What is the relationship of intelligence to all that is taking place?

Intelligence operating has its own action. When there is that intelligence, there is sanity. Is intelligence operating in you?

From series: BR72T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1972 - Public Meetings - Can there be complete freedom from



BR72T1 - Brockwood Park 1972 - Public Talk 1 - Complete freedom from thought

Duration: 76 minutes


         Learning is instant perception and action. What place has thought in learning?


To learn about freedom must thought be completely silent? Does insight into freedom take time? Can thinking, however rational, bring about a psychological revolution in us?

Is thought always conditioned? Is freedom the non-existence of thought?


My very being is related to thought. If you want to see something new, what do you do? To have insight, let go of the old and listen.

Learning is not memorizing.


Q: Is feeling another way of thinking?

Q: Isn't the need to love and be loved essential? Needing love is love of self.

From series: BR72T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1972 - Public Meetings - Can there be complete freedom from thought?


BR72T2 - Brockwood Park 1972 - Public Talk 2 - If I don't change now what will the future be?

Duration: 86 minutes


         Is thought responsible for fragmentation?


Does fragmentation have its own activity?


What is the energy that perceives the total and doesn't live in fragmentation? Does comparison bring about fear and pleasure?

Is thought seeking security in belief and dogma?


Can the mind learn instantly all the content of the unconscious in which there are deep, secret fears? Does analysis imply time and division? Is consciousness separate from its content?

To get at the root of fear means learning about not being.

Q: What about guilt?

From series: BR72T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1972 - Public Meetings - Can there be complete freedom from thought?


BR72T3 - Brockwood Park 1972 - Public Talk 3 - If freedom is responsibility, how do I act?

Duration: 78 minutes


         Q: What is the action that will be a total response to the world around us?


Can one respond totally without learning about love and death in relation to daily life? Do we live, or do we tolerate living?

Do we live according to ideas and conclusions based on belief, dogma and memory? Is there an action which dissipates all images?

Is love relationship in which there is no image? Is disorder relationship in which there is the image? Can a mind seeking comfort learn about death?

Find out whether death is something to be avoided or to be lived with naturally. Can the mind free itself from the known?

Q: What relationship has literature, beauty and art to our daily life? Q: Were you conditioned by the Masters?

Q: Can one help someone in distress?

From series: BR72T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1972 - Public Meetings - Can there be complete freedom from thought?


BR72T4 - Brockwood Park 1972 - Public Talk 4 - To come upon the new, thought must be quiet

Duration: 66 minutes


         If one is serious, one must learn for oneself if there is such a thing as the immeasurable.


Thought cannot find the immeasurable because thought is measurement and time. Can thought, realizing its limitations, be quiet?

Can the mind without effort see its content clearly, and the limitation, lack of space and time-binding quality of its consciousness?


When you say, �I do not know,� does the content have importance?


There are various systems of meditation, gadgets, yoga, to make the mind quiet. These are unimportant.


Is truth the very perception of the false?


When the mind has perceived the truth of something, what is time?

Is there a different dimension which thought cannot touch?

From series: BR72T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1972 - Public Meetings - Can there be complete freedom from thought?


BR73D1 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Discussion 1 - The word is you

Duration: 102 minutes


         Q: What is the nature of thought?


How do we have the passion for this inquiry?


Why does the mind form words, symbols and images?


Is the very nature of thought to fragment � the word and the non-word, the action and the formula? When there is division there must be wastage of energy.

Are we aware that we have formulas, conclusions and opinions? Can the mind be free of them? Can the mind observe the violence it has brought about in itself, silently, without the word?

When there is the word there is division, which prevents an extraordinary sense of passion coming into being.


Q: What about absolute terror, a phobia?

From series: BR73T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Meetings - What relationship has the human mind to the timeless?


BR73D2 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Discussion 2 - Can the movement of the self end?

Duration: 84 minutes


         Q: Is there a difference between the observer and the observed?


We are so conditioned and heavily burdened with the past, how can the mind be spontaneous? Can the mind observe its activity without prejudice and images?

When there is a division between the observer and the observed there is conflict.


When the observer is the observed there is no control or suppression. Conflict, duality and the self come to an end.


The greatest meditation is to come upon this extraordinary thing, for the mind to discover that the observer is the observed.

From series: BR73T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Meetings - What relationship has the human mind to the timeless?


BR73T1 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Talk 1 - Can the fragmented mind be whole?

Duration: 87 minutes


         What is one's relationship to the world?


What relationship has our thought and action to something beyond daily life?

The world outside you, the culture, is that different from you?


Can one transform completely and so bring about a different kind of social structure? Naming a feeling divides the observer from the observed.

Division between the observer and the observed is conflict, which is a waste of energy. When I realize that I am ambition there is no conflict and so a summation of energy.

How am I to pursue each thought? What does it mean to be aware?

If there is choice in awareness, is awareness total?

From series: BR73T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Meetings - What relationship has the human mind to the timeless?


BR73T2 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Talk 2 - Why does the mind always cling to the known?

Duration: 81 minutes


         Does one not penetrate deeply because thought is always from the outside?


In listening do we make an abstraction which we then want to put into action? Knowledge prevents seeing and instant action.

Knowledge is destructive in relationship.


Can the mind see totally the movement of seeing, sensation, contact and desire so that perception is action?

Why is the mind not only avoiding fear but pursuing pleasure? Love is not in the field of the known. Q: What is practical action with regard to oneself and the world?

From series: BR73T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Meetings - What relationship has the human mind

to the timeless?


BR73T3 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Talk 3 - To live a life that is whole

Duration: 78 minutes


         Is perception one fragment seeing other fragments?


What is the significance of an observation that is complete and non-fragmentary? The �me� is consciousness in which thought acts.

Can one be free of the content of consciousness?


Can my consciousness, which is the �me�, end now? What happens to a such mind? What is relationship when there is no image?

Is love the pursuit of yesterday's pleasure?

Is love fear, jealousy, anxiety or attachment? Is love the product of thought?

Is it possible to observe the content of consciousness without the movement of time?

From series: BR73T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Meetings - What relationship has the human mind to the timeless?


BR73T4 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Talk 4 - Is there anything truly holy, sacred?

Duration: 72 minutes


         Is order the structure which the mind has created?


Is order a blueprint to conform to?


Disorder comes into being when there is fear and the pursuit of pleasure. Is disorder the demand for experience?

The flowering of order is virtue, which is the foundation for meditation.


Is there time as movement and thought when there is only observation of �what is�? Psychologically is there evolution?

If everything is of time, isn't life shallow?

Can one come upon the sacred without total order in oneself? When the mind has this strange thing called compassion it is sacred.

From series: BR73T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1973 - Public Meetings - What relationship has the human mind to the timeless?


BR74D1 - Brockwood Park 1974 - Public Discussion 1 - The place of pleasure

Duration: 102 minutes


         Q: Why is the mind pursuing pleasure all the time?


Why do people deny pleasure, feel guilty or resist it? Pleasure begins at the very root of memory.

There is the delight of a sunset. Remembrance of it encourages continuity of the delight which is over. What place has pleasure, joy and love with regard to memory? Is love a memory?

Why does the mind demand repetition?


Thought is the response of memory, and in itself brings fragmentation. As long as the mind lives in that area there is no freedom.


Is there any field where thought has no place at all? Can the mind be aware totally and not fragmentarily? If you really don't know, you will have the answer.

From series: BR74T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1974 - Public Meetings - Religion is the gathering of our total energy


BR74D2 - Brockwood Park 1974 - Public Discussion 2 - Is the mind capable of seeing thought?

Duration: 84 minutes


         Q: Aware that thought is divisive, what are we to do?


Thought is the response of memory. Are we as aware of this conditioning as we are aware of rain raining?


Can one be aware non-fragmentarily? In complete attention there is neither the observer nor the observed.


Responsibility is implied in relationship.


When the mind is attentive at the precise moment of challenge and response there is no formation of an image.

The image means a formula, concept, symbol or word. Without the image you can't be hurt. To know how to live without conflict you have to understand what it means to be related.

From series: BR74T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1974 - Public Meetings - Religion is the gathering of our total energy


BR74T1 - Brockwood Park 1974 - Public Talk 1 - Can the conditioned mind go beyond itself?

Duration: 87 minutes


         Can one totally eliminate in observation the activity of the �me�?


Is the observer looking at consciousness different from that looked at?


Isn't the observer the past, with his experiences, knowledge, hurts and sorrows?


Being the past, is the observer capable of looking at what is going on around him now? When one has insight that the observer is the observed what takes place?

With no interpretation, escape or rationalization is there energy to go beyond?


If the �me� is not, where is fear?

From series: BR74T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1974 - Public Meetings - Religion is the gathering of our total energy


BR74T2 - Brockwood Park 1974 - Public Talk 2 - Is thought a slave to time?

Duration: 84 minutes


         Is there psychological time at all?


Can the human mind change instantly?


Why do we abstract an idea from what we see?

Is it lack of energy which makes one postpone? Or, not having the capacity to deal with �what is� one makes an abstraction?


Doesn't action based on idea demand time? What is action in which there is no idea? Without abstraction can the mind observe sorrow and remain with sorrow?

When you see that the observer is the observed, isn't conditioning broken down?


Can there be relationship if there are images?

From series: BR74T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1974 - Public Meetings - Religion is the gathering of our total energy


BR74T3 - Brockwood Park 1974 - Public Talk 3 - Death means a total renewal

Duration: 79 minutes


         Can the mind be free of suffering that corrupts all action?


Is analysis of the cause of suffering a wastage of energy, as it involves time? Has thought brought about suffering?

Is love something brought about by memory, and how does desire distort love? Is love a matter of time?

Why has the mind separated living from dying?


Can the mind clinging to the known inquire into what is permanent?

Death is the ending of attachment. Can we be free of attachment daily and so inviting death? Attachment is irresponsibility.

From series: BR74T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1974 - Public Meetings - Religion is the gathering of our total energy


BR74T4 - Brockwood Park 1974 - Public Talk 4 - The energy to meet problems

Duration: 92 minutes


         Is there an area of the brain not contaminated by thought?


Can the mind uncondition itself without thought which is time? Is there an energy not dependent on conditioning or culture?

We are educated to control ourselves, in order to be righteous or virtuous. Can we live without controlling?


Can there be choiceless awareness of disorder? Can the brain be absolutely still? Q: What is the function of being asleep or awake?

To keep awake implies a mind that is not conforming.

From series: BR74T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1974 - Public Meetings - Religion is the gathering of our total energy

BR75D1 - Brockwood Park 1975 - Public Discussion 1 - The action of total awareness

Duration: 87 minutes


         Q: What does it mean to be aware?


If you are aware every moment your conditioning does not exist. Is there an activity which is not mechanical?

The mechanical part of the brain follows a line set by thought. Thought itself is mechanical.

We are all hurt from childhood. Is it the image that is hurt?


It is tradition, part of our education to have images, according to our environment and culture.


If there is no image the whole brain is unconditioned. Then the brain is on fire. It is non-mechanical and has a totally different kind of energy.


Only in being nothing is there security.

From series: BR75T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1975 - Public Meetings - What is correct action in a disintegrating world?


BR75D2 - Brockwood Park 1975 - Public Discussion 2 - Do you respond according to an image?

Duration: 90 minutes


         Q: How is one to be aware of the content of one's consciousness?


To be totally aware implies no observer. The observer is the past which therefore brings about fragmentation.


Can you live in the present? To live in the present

means not a single memory not a single breath of the past.


All images are in the past. Why can't I drop all that and live in the now? Is one aware that one has an image about another?

If there is no image how does one respond? What then is relationship with another?

From series: BR75T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1975 - Public Meetings - What is correct action in a disintegrating world?


BR75T1 - Brockwood Park 1975 - Public Talk 1 - What is the function of thought?

Duration: 88 minutes


         Is there an action that is whole and complete at the personal and social level?


Does thought, having created the �me� make it into a fragment?


Can thought realize its limitation and not spill over into the realm it can never touch? Is compassion the result of thought?

Can thought be attentive to its own movements?


Can you look at your disorder without choosing and totally deny it? Is the very act of walking away from disorder, order?

Do you observe directly or from a distance? Is distance actuality or created by thought?


When you observe the limitations of thought, you are left empty, naked, void.

From series: BR75T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1975 - Public Meetings - What is correct action in a disintegrating world?


BR75T2 - Brockwood Park 1975 - Public Talk 2 - Can suffering end totally?

Duration: 77 minutes


         Isn't the only energy of thought we know that which comes in contradiction and duality?


How does desire arise? Is it seeing, sensation, contact, then desire?


Why is there a sense of wanting, lack, pursuing something all the time, which is desire? Does desire, the wanting of something create fear?

Is there a centre from which all fear springs? When you look without naming, is there fear? Have we invented psychological time?

To uncover the unconscious must you analyse? If you don't analyse what are you to do?


Is there a different kind of energy altogether?

From series: BR75T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1975 - Public Meetings - What is correct action in a disintegrating world?


BR75T3 - Brockwood Park 1975 - Public Talk 3 - Is there something with no beginning or end?

Duration: 75 minutes


         Can we end suffering at all levels inwardly?


Can there be love, not just personal love but the enormous feeling of compassion? What is the total significance of death, the ending of what we know as life?

That which ends has a new beginning, not that which has a continuity. Can there be an ending to time?


Has time created the centre, the �me�?


What is immortality, eternity, a timeless state? What happens to those caught in the movement of time?


What is the relationship between one who is out of the stream of sorrow and one who is in it?

From series: BR75T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1975 - Public Meetings - What is correct action in a disintegrating world?


BR75T4 - Brockwood Park 1975 - Public Talk 4 - Can we ever perceive truth?

Duration: 73 minutes


         What is reality? What are the limitations of thought and can it ever perceive truth?


Can we go far unless there is order in the world of reality?


Is there an observation of the field of reality without the movement of thought? What is freedom?

To understand freedom one must deny all authority, which demands great attention. Having observed the disorder in our lives order comes into being.

Can time have a stop? Which means, can the mind be still not by controlling thought? Then one comes upon that which is timeless, sacred and the very essence of compassion.

From series: BR75T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1975 - Public Meetings - What is correct action in a disintegrating world?


BR76D1 - Brockwood Park 1976 - Public Discussion 1 - How do you observe your fears?

Duration: 82 minutes


         Q: Is it possible to be completely secure?


If we deeply realize that there is no such thing as psychological security then we would not be in conflict.


How do you observe fear? How do you look at yourself? Relationship with another is the mirror in which you see your fear.

How does hurt take place? As long as I have an image about myself, that image is going to be hurt. The registration of hurt takes place when there is inattention.

Attention is like a flame that burns out past and present hurt. Then you are free and you blossom in goodness.

From series: BR76T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1976 - Public Meetings - Can a human being undergo a deep, radical transformation?


BR76D2 - Brockwood Park 1976 - Public Discussion 2 - Can thought perceive the whole?

Duration: 88 minutes


         Q: What takes place when there is freedom from thought?


Thought is limited and fragmentary because it is the response of memory. Its movement has created a reality, the illusions in which we live.


Is the realization of this reality the awakening of intelligence?


The awareness of this movement of thought is part of meditation.

Is it possible to see wholly?

When there is freedom from attachment and images there is absolute, complete clarity and order. With freedom from attachment there is love.

From series: BR76T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1976 - Public Meetings - Can a human being undergo a deep,

radical transformation?


BR76T1 - Brockwood Park 1976 - Public Talk 1 - A transformation which implies freedom

Duration: 72 minutes


         Can there be a radical transformation in the content of our consciousness?


Am I separate from the content of my consciousness? If the observer is the observed, what occurs? Can I be totally free of psychological fears?

Does fear exist apart from the word and idea, or is it a structure of words, ideas and time? What is the nature of thinking?

Can the mind be free of time, idea and the word? What takes place when you observe that fear is you?

When there is complete attention which is total energy then is there fear?


All this is meditation.

From series: BR76T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1976 - Public Meetings - Can a human being undergo a deep, radical transformation?


BR76T2 - Brockwood Park 1976 - Public Talk 2 - Pleasure is a factor of conditioning

Duration: 65 minutes


         Sorrow implies grief, travail and neurotic behaviour. All that is in our consciousness. Can one bring about a profound revolution in it?


Consciousness is conditioned by three factors: fear, pleasure and sorrow.


To deeply understand pleasure we must closely examine what thinking is. Is there thinking without the word and symbol?


Can the movement of thought come to an end?


What is the difference between pleasure, joy and ecstasy? Is there pleasure in the moment or only afterwards?

Can you see something beautiful and end it there, not let thought pursue it through image and desire?


Can the brain not register psychologically and so not give momentum to thought? Note: a total of 5 minutes and 46 seconds of missing video is replaced by audio only.

From series: BR76T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1976 - Public Meetings - Can a human being undergo a deep, radical transformation?


BR76T3 - Brockwood Park 1976 - Public Talk 3 - Is psychological time an invention of thought?

Duration: 78 minutes


         Is there an ideal, the �what should be� different from �what is�?


Is it possible to transform �what is� without the idea of time? Is love sensation, contact, thought, desire or image?

Can you see a beautiful person or a lovely tree and not allow desire to come in? Is there love when there is attachment or hurt?

How are love and compassion related? What is the relationship of time to death?

Can there be an ending of thought while living?

From series: BR76T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1976 - Public Meetings - Can a human being undergo a deep, radical transformation?


BR76T4 - Brockwood Park 1976 - Public Talk 4 - Freedom is the first and last step

Duration: 69 minutes


         Has pleasure, experience, knowledge, and the way we live and die any meaning?


We are asking what the significance of life is. This is part of meditation. Meditation has no meaning where there is effort, control or practice. The mind must have silence for meditation.

Is there freedom in the very psychological structure of the mind?


Can the mind put aside everything built by thought and begin anew? Such a mind is healthy, sane and holy.


Meditation comes only with the complete ending of conflict and the demand for experience.

From series: BR76T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1976 - Public Meetings - Can a human being undergo a deep, radical transformation?


BR77D1 - Brockwood Park 1977 - Public Discussion 1 - Is there such a thing as love?

Duration: 80 minutes


         Q: Is it possible to see the whole content of consciousness?


Do you love anybody at all, not asking anything in return? How can you love when you are concerned about yourself? If you are attached to somebody, is that love?

Fragmentary thought creates loneliness. Attachment is an escape from loneliness.

No attachment means no remembrance of any hurt or image. No attachment means there is love. Through negation of what is not love, the other is.

From series: BR77T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1977 - Public Meetings - There is an ending to sorrow when

there is no �me�


BR77D2 - Brockwood Park 1977 - Public Discussion 2 - Why is your mind chattering?

Duration: 74 minutes


         Q: What is it to be aware and what is attention?


A chattering mind is a wastage of energy.


What is the nature of thought that ceases when there is complete attention and arises when there is no attention?


The world is in disorder because we are in disorder. Are we aware that we are in disorder?


To be aware means to be sensitive. Awareness implies looking with infinite care and affection. Then there is no duality.


What is awareness, concentration and attention? Can you observe without the observer?

In attention there is no centre and no �me�.

From series: BR77T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1977 - Public Meetings - There is an ending to sorrow when

there is no �me�


BR77T1 - Brockwood Park 1977 - Public Talk 1 - Is it possible to see the limitation of thought?

Duration: 61 minutes


         Is there an action in daily life that is skilful yet not perpetuating the self?


Can you be free of prejudice, conclusions and beliefs so that you can observe clearly? Giving thought its right place brings about clarity.

Our consciousness is that of all mankind. Can that consciousness undergo a radical change? Is desire a distorting factor in observation? Why do we have so many desires?

Can I put aside authority to look at myself? Is love the product of thought and time?

Can love be free of the taint of civilization, jealousy, possessiveness, remembrance and the pursuit of pleasure?

From series: BR77T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1977 - Public Meetings - There is an ending to sorrow when

there is no �me�

BR77T2 - Brockwood Park 1977 - Public Talk 2 - What is the function of the brain?

Duration: 57 minutes


         Is there an observation that does not end in desire?


Can we observe the whole movement of desire? Is it possible psychologically to be free of all fear?

What is the psychological root of fear? Is it time, tomorrow, what might happen? Is time the movement of thought?


What is necessary to register and what is not?


Is it possible not to register hurt at all but only what is absolutely necessary? What does it mean to remain with loneliness?

What is relationship without registration?

From series: BR77T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1977 - Public Meetings - There is an ending to sorrow when

there is no �me�


BR77T3 - Brockwood Park 1977 - Public Talk 3 - What is at the very root of sorrow?

Duration: 65 minutes


         We must investigate not only personal sorrow but also the sorrow of mankind.


Do we deal with the multiple expressions of sorrow or the very root? To do this it is important to observe without distortion.


Is the observer different from sorrow?


Does the word �sorrow� weigh man down? In understanding the cause of sorrow, does it disappear? Is there suffering if there is no thought at all when you respond to a challenge?

Is all sorrow based on the �me�?


Without understanding the whole of life how can you understand what death is? Can the mind end everything while living?

Note: a total of 50 seconds of missing video is replaced by audio only.

From series: BR77T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1977 - Public Meetings - There is an ending to sorrow when

there is no �me�


BR77T4 - Brockwood Park 1977 - Public Talk 4 - Is the flowering of goodness a matter of time?

Duration: 71 minutes


         What is the meaning and significance of meditation? The very inquiry becomes meditation.


Is there a beauty not of things or ideas but in itself, and therefore goodness? Is there such a thing as psychological progress?

Can consciousness be aware of itself? Can it reveal its content not bit by bit but in the totality of its movement?


Is there a �me� who is violent if there is no time at all psychologically? Is love a matter of time and remembrance?

What is space? Can there be space without order?

From series: BR77T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1977 - Public Meetings - There is an ending to sorrow when

there is no �me�


BR78D1 - Brockwood Park 1978 - Public Discussion 1 - Are You Aware of the Structure of Yourself?

Duration: 82 minutes


         What is the need of a human mind, brain, to register anything at all?


Are you really serious to find out the necessity of registration and the inadequacy psychologically of any form of registration? If you say belief is a danger then why do you hold on to it?


When you are very clear, there is no need for choice. A mind that is confused chooses.


There is no relationship whatsoever between awareness and faith. Faith is not a fact, it is a belief.


You don�t want to climb the mountain, which is arduous, which demands that you carry little. This demands that you work, that you look.


Find out what actually takes place when the structure observed is the observer himself.

From series: BR78T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1978 - Public Meetings - The movement of desire


BR78D2 - Brockwood Park 1978 - Public Discussion 2 - Can One Learn Through Relationship?

Duration: 76 minutes


         What do we mean by learning?


Is there a different way of learning which is not accumulative, which is not mechanistic, which is not all the time functioning on the past movement?


I must be very, and terribly honest in myself to say I really don�t know. Can I observe myself through relationship?

I want to find out why I create images. Is it habit? Is it convenience? Is it immemorial conditioning? If there is the act of listening then there is no registration.

When we are attentive the structure is non-existent.

From series: BR78T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1978 - Public Meetings - The movement of desire


BR78T1 - Brockwood Park 1978 - Public Talk 1 - Can I strip Myself of the Network of Language?

Duration: 90 minutes


         Action based on a past conclusion, however right, however worthy, is still from the past and therefore still limited in terms of time.


Is there an action totally devoid of time?


One must be free of knowledge to have immediate perception. Why do human beings live constantly in a state of fear?

Thought is a movement based on past memories, past experiences, past knowledge.


Can you look at fear, the actual sensation, without the word?

From series: BR78T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1978 - Public Meetings - The movement of desire


BR78T2 - Brockwood Park 1978 - Public Talk 2 - How Is One To Have Complete Order?

Duration: 67 minutes


         Knowing consciously that one is in disorder psychologically, what is one to do?


Why is there such a tremendous pressure of desire in most of us?


It is natural to have a perception, a sensation, but can that moment stop and thought not come in and create an image and pursue that image, which becomes desire?


Why should the brain register psychologically, inwardly?

From series: BR78T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1978 - Public Meetings - The movement of desire


BR78T3 - Brockwood Park 1978 - Public Talk 3 - Understanding and Living Freedom

Duration: 76 minutes


         Is freedom the opposite of prison, of bondage, of repression? Is freedom to do what you like?


As long as we live in opposites, jealousy and non-jealousy, the good and the bad, the ignorant and the enlightened, there must be this constant conflict in duality.


Is love being attached to a person, to a country, to an idea?

Can you put aside attachment, dependence, and not become cynical, bitter, or withdraw and resist? Why do we suffer psychologically?

Is it possible to put physical pain in its right place and not let it interfere with the psychological state of the mind?


Why we are all so frightened of death?

From series: BR78T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1978 - Public Meetings - The movement of desire


BR78T4 - Brockwood Park 1978 - Public Talk 4 - The Beginning of Meditation

Duration: 81 minutes


         Meditation is not something that you do.


Is it possible for the senses to operate as a whole? Is will the essence of desire?

Part of meditation is to find out for oneself whether time can stop.


Is it possible to empty the content of consciousness without involving time, but instantly, as a whole, not in parts?


Can the brain lose its burden and be free and never deteriorate?


If there is no recording whatsoever, psychologically, then the brain becomes extraordinarily quiet, extraordinarily fresh.

From series: BR78T1-4 D1-2 - Brockwood Park 1978 - Public Meetings - The movement of desire


BR79Q1 - Brockwood Park 1979 - Public Q&A 1

Duration: 74 minutes


         Q1: Is it possible ever to be free of self-centred activity? Is there a real self apart from the self created image?


Q2: Will the practice of yoga as it is being done in Europe and America help to bring about a spiritual awakening? Is it true that yoga will awaken deeper energy, which is called kundalini?


Q3: Can there be absolute security for man � and naturally woman � in this life?


Q4: Emotions are strong. Our attachments are strong. How does looking and seeing reduce the strength and power of these emotions?


Q5: Why does the mind so readily accept trivial answers to such deeply-felt problems?

From series: BR79T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1979 - Public Meetings - On being conditioned


BR79Q2 - Brockwood Park 1979 - Public Q&A 2

Duration: 83 minutes


         Q1: The speaker has said that going to an office every day from nine to five is an intolerable

imprisonment. But in any society all kinds of jobs have to be done. Is K�s teaching therefore only for the few?


Q2: Isn�t insight intuition? Would you discuss this sudden clarity some of us have? What do you mean by insight and is it a momentary thing or can it be continuous?


Q3: You say that organisations will not help man to find what we Christians call salvation. So why do you have your own organisation?


Q4: Is sex incompatible with a religious life? What place has human relationship in spiritual endeavour?


Q5: Can thought be aware of itself as it is taking place? Or does the awareness come after the thought? Can consciousness be aware of its whole content?


Q6: I have tried all kinds of meditation, fasting and a voluntary solitary life, but it has come to nothing. Is there one thing or one quality that will end my seeking and my confusion, and if there is what am I to do?

From series: BR79T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1979 - Public Meetings - On being conditioned


BR79T1 - Brockwood Park 1979 - Public Talk 1 - What will make us change?

Duration: 66 minutes


         To think together is only possible if we for the moment forget ourselves, our own problems, our own inclinations, our intellectual capacities.


As human beings living in this terrible world which we have created, can we bring about a radical change in ourselves?


By belonging to something we feel secure. But belonging to something invariably brings about insecurity because in itself it is separative.


Can you look at the fact - anger, misery, loneliness, whatever it is - look at that fact without the observer saying, �I am separate�?


In pure observation there is no effort and therefore the thing which has been put together as image begins to dissolve.

From series: BR79T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1979 - Public Meetings - On being conditioned


BR79T2 - Brockwood Park 1979 - Public Talk 2 - Is thought the instrument of right action?

Duration: 64 minutes


         Can human consciousness be transformed?


Part of knowledge is part of ignorance. When we rely entirely on knowledge as a means of advance, as a means of ascent of man, we are also maintaining ignorance.


Is there an observation which is not the instrument of thought?


Effort implies the action of will. Will is desire, and there are multiple forms of desire. Desire in its activity must create effort.


What is the relationship between the senses and desire? Is it possible to live a daily life without a single effort?

Our consciousness is the consciousness of mankind, and in freeing consciousness of its content we have responsibility to the whole. That is essentially the nature of love and compassion.

From series: BR79T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1979 - Public Meetings - On being conditioned


BR79T3 - Brockwood Park 1979 - Public Talk 3 - Can one know oneself completely?

Duration: 66 minutes


         Can we know ourselves completely?


Most of us are frightened of not being completely secure physically. Why? Is it because we are always isolating ourselves as a nation, as a family, as a group?


How do you observe fear? For most of us the observation takes place after it has happened. We are asking whether it is possible to observe fear as it arises.


Recognition does not free the mind from fear, it only strengthens the fear. Is thought, which is time, the root of fear?

Thought takes over an incident that is over, remembers it and pursues it. The pursuit is the pleasure. Why does thought do this?


What is sorrow?

When you climb a mountain you have to leave all your furniture behind, all your problems, because you can�t carry the furniture that you have collected up the hill. Let go and you will discover that there is a quality of mind, being absolutely free, that is able to perceive that which is eternal.

From series: BR79T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1979 - Public Meetings - On being conditioned


BR79T4 - Brockwood Park 1979 - Public Talk 4 - Meditation, the timeless and love

Duration: 70 minutes


         Guns, submarines, going to the moon, etc., are all actual realities created by thought. Thought has not created nature.


Is there something which is not the product of thought?


Psychologically, thought has invented time as a means of avoiding and postponing, indulging in that which it already has.


Meditation is the ending of time.


In inquiring into something beyond time there must be a complete sense of relationship, which can only come about when there is love.


Can the mind, including the brain, be absolutely quiet?


When you are observing a fact completely, with all your energy, the fact changes.


In meditation, which is to bring about a mind that is absolutely quiet, any form of effort is futile.

From series: BR79T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1979 - Public Meetings - On being conditioned


BR80Q1 - Brockwood Park 1980 - Public Q&A 1

Duration: 82 minutes


         Q1: You have spoken so much against organisations, so why do you have schools and foundations? And why do you speak?


Q2: Is it always wrong or misguided to work with an enlightened man and be a sannyasi?


Q3: You say that fundamentally my mind works in exactly the same way as everyone else. Why does this make me responsible for the whole world?


Q4: When I listen to you there is an urgency to change. When I return home it fades. What am I to do?


Q5: Is suffering necessary to make us face the necessity to change?


Q6: My problem is I have a ten foot wall around me. It is no use trying to overcome it, so I ignore it. It is still there. What do I do?


Q7: I derive strength from concentrating on a symbol. I belong to a group that encourages this. Is this an illusion?

From series: BR80T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1980 - Public Meetings - Why does the mind live in time?


BR80Q2 - Brockwood Park 1980 - Public Q&A 2

Duration: 82 minutes


         Q1: What is the relationship between thought and consciousness? Why do we seem unable to go beyond thought?


Q2: Does compassion spring from observation, or thought? Is not compassion an emotional feeling? Q3: Why is it that in the balance of nature there is always death and suffering?

Q4: Why do you say attachment is corruption? Are we not attached to those we love?


Q5: You say we are the world but the majority of the world seems to be heading for mass destruction. Can a minority of integrated people outweigh the majority?


Q6: Christian mystics describe certain forms of mental prayer in which they speak to God, or what they call God. They say that in such prayer something tremendous happens which they call union with God. They are convinced this is not an illusion. Are they deceiving themselves? And what is faith? It appears to give people the power to do extraordinary things.


Q7: If there is a supreme truth and order why does it allow mankind to behave on earth in such a shocking way?


Q8: I have been a member of a Gurdjieff group. I find it has given me a background to better understand what you are saying. Should I continue with such a group to possibly help others, as I was helped? Or does such a group make for fragmentation?


Q9: What is freedom?

From series: BR80T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1980 - Public Meetings - Why does the mind live in time?


BR80T1 - Brockwood Park 1980 - Public Talk 1 - What is right action in this chaotic world?

Duration: 61 minutes


         Psychologically, we are the world. And the world is us, each one of us.


Our responsibility is something global, not just for one's family, for one�s children; those are important, but we are responsible for the whole of mankind because we are mankind.


Can one actually be free of all attachment?


What will persuade you, what will make you, what will drive you, what will influence you to change?


Thought by its very nature is fragmentary, and we, our struggle, the whole of our being, is the movement of thought.


Technological, surgical, engineering, scientific knowledge is necessary, but the knowledge that has psychologically accumulated through millennia as human beings, is that necessary at all?


Can this movement of thought end?

From series: BR80T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1980 - Public Meetings - Why does the mind live in time?


BR80T2 - Brockwood Park 1980 - Public Talk 2 - Can the brain transform itself?

Duration: 74 minutes


         Can the brain change itself completely?


Doubt purges the mind.


Desire has significance and vitality only when thought creates the image.

Insight can only take place when knowledge has come to an end and there is merely pure observation, without any direction.


Is it possible to live together without a single image?

Can there be discontent by itself, or is it always associated with something? Can the mind be free of all comparison?

From series: BR80T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1980 - Public Meetings - Why does the mind live in time?


BR80T3 - Brockwood Park 1980 - Public Talk 3 - What is the relationship between the inner and outer confusion?

Duration: 70 minutes


         Why is there this inward disorder which naturally must express itself in outward disorder?


Can there be absolute order?


What is the cause of the division in us as well as in the world?


Detachment is attachment. If I try to become detached I am attached to that detachment. When there is complete attention there is no confusion.

When there is fear we become violent, we want to destroy in the name of god, in the name of religion, in the name of social revolution.


If you realise that fear is you there is no movement to be made. Pleasure, love, suffering, fear are all entangled, all interrelated.

You must have a mind that is capable of receiving the whole universe, and that is possible only when the mind is clear of confusion and fear.

From series: BR80T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1980 - Public Meetings - Why does the mind live in time?


BR80T4 - Brockwood Park 1980 - Public Talk 4 - Religion, death and meditation.

Duration: 70 minutes


         There is no Eastern thinking or Western thinking, there is only thinking.


Truth is not yours or mine. It has no path to it.


A mind that is religious does not belong to any nationality, has no belief, but such a mind has exercised the quality of doubt so that it questions, doesn�t obey the edicts of any religion, sect or guru.


We have banished religion from our life. We have banished death from our life. We have postponed it. Why do we banish the actual demand for truth?


Why does the mind live in time?


Because we allow time, the fact becomes important. If there is no time, it is resolved.


Can you end your attachment instantly � your anger, your violence, your greed, end while living?

Why should I take a certain position to meditate? Why should I practise � to arrive where? You cannot experience enlightenment.

When the mind is absolutely silent, without any movement of thought, then perhaps you will see something; perhaps there is something sacred beyond all words.

From series: BR80T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1980 - Public Meetings - Why does the mind live in time?


BR81Q1 - Brockwood Park 1981 - Public Q&A 1

Duration: 83 minutes


         Q1: You have often said that no one can show the way to truth, yet your schools are said to help their members to understand themselves. Is this not a contradiction? Does it not create an elite atmosphere?


Q2: What is it in the human mind that wants to follow a leader, a guru, a system, a belief, be obedient to something?


Q3: I am in pain. However I try to meet it I do not come to the totality of the fact. It invariably remains partial and becomes an abstraction, and the pain continues. How can I penetrate the problem without it becoming theoretical?

From series: BR81T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1981 - Public Meetings - Our consciousness is the common ground on which all humanity stands


BR81Q2 - Brockwood Park 1981 - Public Q&A 2

Duration: 87 minutes


         Q1: We find ourselves living in fear of war, of losing a job, if we have one, in fear of terrorism, of the violence of our children, of being at the mercy of inept politicians. How do we meet life as it is today?


Q2: Is man�s search for something truly religious simply an extension of his eternal acquisitiveness, selfishness, or is it something entirely different, not a reaction but a deep fundamental movement towards an ultimate reality?


Q3: What is right action that will meet everything in our lives? Q4: What is the right relationship to money?

Q5: You say liberation is not an individual matter but concerns humanity as a whole. Yet liberating insight has been the unique achievement of individuals like the Buddha and the Christ, and perhaps yourself. How can it be a matter of the whole of humanity?

From series: BR81T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1981 - Public Meetings - Our consciousness is the common ground on which all humanity stands


BR81T1 - Brockwood Park 1981 - Public Talk 1 - Thought and the problems of our world

Duration: 68 minutes


         The politicians are thinking in terms of tribalism. They have not the global outlook or the concern for the whole of humanity.


We are humanity. What we suffer, what we go through in daily life, our quarrels, our disenchantment, all our troubles, religious, psychological, political, is the concern of all human beings.


What is one to do as a human being living in this dreadful world, which is becoming more and more dangerous, more and more insecure, theologically as well as physically?

How will you find out a totally different approach which is not contaminated by thought, because one realises thought is utterly limited?

The computer is taking over all our thinking.


To understand the psychological structure of man there needs be no direction.


Is there a deeper cause which brings about the terrible division between human beings?

From series: BR81T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1981 - Public Meetings - Our consciousness is the common ground on which all humanity stands


BR81T2 - Brockwood Park 1981 - Public Talk 2 - Looking at the whole content of consciousness

Duration: 72 minutes


         There is nothing sacred about thought, yet what thought has invented, thought assumes is sacred and then begins to worship it as being sacred. So thought is worshipping itself.


Can we look at ourselves freely, actually what is going on, without any motive, distortion or direction?


Is relationship merely sensory, sexual? Is it merely a companionship, depending on each other, exploiting each other, trying to dominate each other, possess each other? Or is it much deeper?


The deep cause of division is thinking that each one is separate. Can the brain function as a whole?

What is the root of fear?

Is pleasure a remembrance? Is pleasure a thought? Is pleasure time? Is love the awakening of the whole of the brain?

From series: BR81T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1981 - Public Meetings - Our consciousness is the common ground on which all humanity stands


BR81T3 - Brockwood Park 1981 - Public Talk 3 - Knowledge, sorrow, death, and to be free of the content of consciousness

Duration: 77 minutes


         Any action born of knowledge must be incomplete, and from that incompleteness all our problems arise.


Is knowledge suffering, and when there is suffering is it at all possible to have love? Can we stop the whole movement of escape?

The very word �sorrow� colours the fact of sorrow, the pain of it.


I have collected so much this life, so many pictures, furniture, land. I have cultivated my brain through education, through study, through experience and travelled a great deal. If I die, what is the point of it all?


Consciousness is common to all of us. It is not mine or yours, it is common ground, on which humanity stands.

If you let the whole content be wiped away by insight you have contributed to consciousness an enormous amount. You have brought a totally new dimension into consciousness. And what you have brought is so colossally important because you have brought real freedom from sorrow to man.

From series: BR81T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1981 - Public Meetings - Our consciousness is the common ground on which all humanity stands


BR81T4 - Brockwood Park 1981 - Public Talk 4 - What is meditation?

Duration: 68 minutes


         Religious life, beauty and meditation go together. They are not states to be compartmentalised and kept separate.


What is meditation?


Is it possible to have a brain that only records that which is absolutely necessary and not record anything else?


There is no exercise of will at all in meditation.


There is a silence which is entirely different, the silence of a brain that has no movement of thought. In that silence alone there can be that which is sacred.


The meaning of meditation is to gather all our energy which is now being dissipated, so that our consciousness is totally empty of its content. Where there is this emptiness and space, there is vast energy. That energy is sacred.

From series: BR81T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1981 - Public Meetings - Our consciousness is the common ground on which all humanity stands


BR82Q1 - Brockwood Park 1982 - Public Q&A 1

Duration: 81 minutes


         Do questions need answers?


Q1: You have said that there is a group consciousness. What is the relationship between the group consciousness and the individual consciousness? How can human beings undergo a total psychological change while the group consciousness has not changed totally?


Q2: Can right action ever encompass violence?


Q3: You speak of compassion but claim that action should have no cause. In what way does compassion act without being a cause of action?


Q4: To exist I have to perform daily mechanical tasks without any meaning. This lack of meaning leads to a feeling of destructiveness, an inner rage. I see this clearly in myself and the same process growing in the rise of terrorism, crime and delinquency. There is the feeling that nothing can be done about this arising chaos, that society is destined to collapse. How does one approach this tremendous chaos both without and within oneself?

From series: BR82T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1982 - Public Meetings - A different kind of intelligence


BR82Q2 - Brockwood Park 1982 - Public Q&A 2

Duration: 81 minutes


         Q1: Most of us are married or involved in a close relationship which began for all the wrong reasons you have so correctly described. Can such a marriage or relationship ever be made into a really

positive force?


Q2: Is our continuous search for security a valid need or a neurotic one? Is there a security that is not the opposite of insecurity?


Q3: Would you please clarify what you mean by brain, mind and consciousness?


Q4: When we see someone being aggressive verbally or physically towards another, we feel a need to intervene. Can such intervention be just? Or is it a mere subtle reaction of the self?


Q5: The violence and disorder of the world demands from us an urgency and intensity of response which we seem to lack. Our intellectual awareness is inadequate. Can there be a deeper awareness which meets the enormity of the problem?


Q6: At the talks you give many of us feel or sense something of immeasurable importance. This is not romantic fantasy, or illusion. It is more profoundly real than much of the rest of our lives. But after I leave I cannot stop the gradual dissipation of that great profoundness. Sir, this is a true tragedy. What can one do?

From series: BR82T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1982 - Public Meetings - A different kind of intelligence


BR82T1 - Brockwood Park 1982 - Public Talk 1 - What can we do in this world?

Duration: 72 minutes


         If we are not committed to any ideology, what is our natural response to the horror going on?


As human beings living in this world with our families and children, what is our action and responsibility?


What are we? Why do we behave as we do?


Is there anything ultimate, any existence without cause? Will this inquiry tell me what I am to do?


The analyser is the result of past memories, experiences, knowledge, but is the analyser separate from the analysed? Am I different from my envy?


Has love or relationship a cause? Can human beings live without cause?

From series: BR82T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1982 - Public Meetings - A different kind of intelligence


BR82T2 - Brockwood Park 1982 - Public Talk 2 - What has happened to mankind?

Duration: 71 minutes


         Does living according to ideals breed conflict? Are facts much more real than our conclusions about the facts?


Ideologies, projected by thought create conflict. Is it necessary to have ideologies at all? Is fear a cause of conflict, and can it end? Is thought the root of fear?

Is it possible for the senses to operate fully together?


When thought creates an image from sensation, that moment is the birth of desire. Can the cause be dispelled without effort? Effort is another form of conflict.

Can I observe without movement of thought or time?

From series: BR82T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1982 - Public Meetings - A different kind of intelligence

BR82T3 - Brockwood Park 1982 - Public Talk 3 - The intelligence which brings order and peace

Duration: 64 minutes


         What is intelligence which alone can bring about complete order and peace? Is intelligence the perception of what is true?


Where there is choice, is there freedom?


Has knowledge given us freedom, a just life that is essentially good? Is the good the opposite of the bad?

Can I come so close to sorrow that I am sorrow? Will my own clarity of perception end sorrow? How can I love when I am caught in a vast structure of memories?

From series: BR82T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1982 - Public Meetings - A different kind of intelligence


BR82T4 - Brockwood Park 1982 - Public Talk 4 - The beauty of death as part of life

Duration: 79 minutes


         What is beauty? Where is beauty?


With no freedom from travail and agony, and only an occasional sense of beauty, what is death?


Have you ended something without any cause? If I am frightened of death, can I end that fear now?


What is meditation? Is it a becoming, a process of time? Is it a conscious, willed process? Is meditation the peeling away of the miseries of my life step by step?

Meditation is necessary to come upon what is sacred. That which has no cause is endless.

From series: BR82T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1982 - Public Meetings - A different kind of intelligence


BR83Q1 - Brockwood Park 1983 - Public Q&A 1

Duration: 98 minutes


         From whom do you expect the answers?


Q1: How do you know what you are saying is true?


Q2: Is desire something fundamental in human beings? Without desire could we function in this world at all?


Q3: Jealousy and mistrust are poisoning my relationship with someone. Is there any solution other than isolating myself from every other human being except him?


Q: How does one break free of habits?

From series: BR83T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1983 - Public Meetings - The world of peace


BR83Q2 - Brockwood Park 1983 - Public Q&A 2

Duration: 105 minutes


         Is your brain free from problems?


Q1: What is the relationship between consciousness, mind, brain, thought, intellect, meditation and intelligence? Is awareness, attention still there when thought is not? Is awareness beyond time?


Q2: We can learn more from each other than by listening to K. Why don�t you encourage people to hold group discussions on particular topics and have organised activities to facilitate dialogues and relationship?


Q3: While understanding what is being said and wanting to live differently, how is one to approach the problem of livelihood in this world of unemployment and limited opportunities?


Q4: You talk about violence and freedom. But you say very little about law. Why is that? No civilised society can exist without laws. And laws sometimes have to be backed by force which means violence. What do you do when terrorists hold hostages? Do you let them be killed, or storm the building?

Where does freedom come into all this?


Q5: You treat cathedrals built by men as the outcome of thought and therefore of no value to understanding, but to me they seem to be inspired by some universal energy linking the two most important factors in man's life: matter and spirit. This unity is the core and movement of humanity. Is there no spiritual value in the inspired works of man?

From series: BR83T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1983 - Public Meetings - The world of peace


BR83T1 - Brockwood Park 1983 - Public Talk 1 - How can the brain transform itself?

Duration: 66 minutes


         Is it possible to bring about a mutation in the very brain cells themselves, conditioned for thousands of years? Either one says that it is not possible and closes the door or one says, �I really don't know.�


Without any choice am I aware that my brain is conditioned?


What is the nature of conditioning? It is essentially experience and knowledge. Why is the structure of the psyche essentially based on knowledge?

What am I without memory? Is it possible to live psychologically without memories?


Division between memory and the observer creates conflict.

From series: BR83T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1983 - Public Meetings - The world of peace


BR83T2 - Brockwood Park 1983 - Public Talk 2 - Only in peace can the human mind be free

Duration: 70 minutes


         Why can�t man, who has learned so much, live in peace?


Are you individuals, separate souls each seeking your own fulfilment?


Must human beings, thinking they are separate, each seeking their own form of security, inevitably come into conflict with others?


Even in close relationship where there is a sense of affection, why is there conflict and turmoil? Can one live with another completely at peace?


How do you observe your relationship with another? Can you look, observe, without any identity?

From series: BR83T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1983 - Public Meetings - The world of peace

BR83T3 - Brockwood Park 1983 - Public Talk 3 - Freedom from the self

Duration: 68 minutes


         Is the psychological process of time, the movement from �what is� to �what should be�, one of the causes of fear?


Is it possible to end fear?


Sorrow is part of the continuity of memory. Can memory, not only of my sorrow but of mankind's sorrow, come to an end?


While living, without any cause or future, can we end something? If you go beyond time, is there anything to experience?

Can the self, the �me�, the ego, all the self-centred activity which is the movement of memory, end?

From series: BR83T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1983 - Public Meetings - The world of peace


BR83T4 - Brockwood Park 1983 - Public Talk 4 - What kind of brain is needed for meditation?

Duration: 67 minutes


         What is creation? What is the origin of all existence? Was there a beginning and is there an end to all this?


To uncover the origin, what kind of brain does one need? Is there a brain without self-interest? Have we a brain that doesn't belong to anything so that it is completely free?

Does language condition the brain?


What is meditation and what is order? Is meditation the feeling of complete wholeness and unity of life?


Is there something not manifested that has no beginning and no end?

From series: BR83T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1983 - Public Meetings - The world of peace


BR84Q1 - Brockwood Park 1984 - Public Q&A 1

Duration: 87 minutes


         Understanding problems, and the art of living.


Q1: What is attention if it has nothing to do with thought? Is it an activity of the brain? Is it a physical process? How does it come into being? You say we cannot bring about attention by an act of will.

What must one not do in order to allow attention to exist?


Q2: If the whole of life is one movement, with its own order, why is man so disorderly?


Q3: How can our listening be adequate to the depth of what you are saying? What is the quality of mind that will allow the fullness of what you are saying to act in us?


Q4: Is there such a thing as good or evil in the world, or are these human concepts, values, suppositions and projections?

From series: BR84T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1984 - Public Meetings - The ending of sorrow

BR84Q2 - Brockwood Park 1984 - Public Q&A 2

Duration: 88 minutes


         How does one find peace in the world, and in oneself?


Q1: I am still not quite clear about whether the quality of goodness or evil is an outside agency, or forces existing in the world, or only a projection of our own thinking.


Q2: Do your schools give the students an understanding of the total human problem, the immensity of human life and its possibilities?


Q3: Would you enlarge on what you mean by saying that the future is now? Is it that the seeds of the future are contained in the present, or that the future already fully exists on a different time scale?


Q4: Why do you not find value in prayer?


Q5: When you are no longer physically with us what are those of us who understand your message, even if only intellectually, to do? Do we continue working on ourselves and forget the rest of the world, or try to spread your teachings as we see it?

From series: BR84T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1984 - Public Meetings - The ending of sorrow


BR84T1 - Brockwood Park 1984 - Public Talk 1 - The cause of conflict in relationship

Duration: 79 minutes


         Can the cause of conflict be analysed?


Is the analyser different from what he analyses? Analysis is a wastage of energy.

Can one have an insight into the cause of conflict?


Is the cause of division between what I am and what I should be? Can only the few be free of conflict?

What is the enormous energy of thought?


Thought can imagine the limitless but it is always limited.


Do you try to find out what thinking is or do you listen, which means a quality of silence? Is there love in our relationships?

What is the cause of conflict in relationship? Is it knowledge of each other?


Inwardly, is there security at all?

From series: BR84T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1984 - Public Meetings - The ending of sorrow


BR84T2 - Brockwood Park 1984 - Public Talk 2 - Looking at fear, that extraordinary jewel

Duration: 69 minutes


         If all time is contained in the now, what is our relationship to each other and what is action?


If there were no fear inwardly would we have gods?

Is fear inwardly born of thought? If it is then what will you do with thought? Who is the entity that tries to stop thought? Is it another thought?

Is time a factor of fear? Is there security in time? Have you ever held fear?

In consciousness is the whole movement of time and thought. Consciousness is what you are. Consciousness is shared by all.

From series: BR84T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1984 - Public Meetings - The ending of sorrow


BR84T3 - Brockwood Park 1984 - Public Talk 3 - Is it possible to end all sorrow?

Duration: 71 minutes


         Is there a morality that is not relative or limited?


Is there a freedom per se, not away from something or toward something? Are we at all aware of the great suffering of humanity, of each one of us? Suffering comes when there is self-centred pursuit.

If one is free from sorrow completely, what effect has that on the world?

If there is no radical change what is now will be tomorrow. Is there an instant ending of suffering? Finding out requires the energy of intelligence.

From series: BR84T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1984 - Public Meetings - The ending of sorrow


BR84T4 - Brockwood Park 1984 - Public Talk 4 - The nature, depth and beauty of death

Duration: 70 minutes


         Is there time in the very action of thought?


Beauty is truth as love is truth. Is beauty when the observer is not? Death means you hold on to nothing.

Can you live with death, not keep it apart from living?


Is it possible to live in this world daily with total freedom from knowledge, except where knowledge is necessary?


Meditation is to understand measurement, which is comparison. Can we live a daily life without any form of comparison?

Silence comes naturally when there is freedom.

From series: BR84T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1984 - Public Meetings - The ending of sorrow


BR85Q1 - Brockwood Park 1985 - Public Q&A 1

Duration: 80 minutes


         Why are you here?


Q1: How can we know if mystical and spiritual experiences are illusions unless we know reality?


Q2: Is illness due simply to degeneration or abuse of the body, or does it have some other significance?

Q3: What is my responsibility toward the present world crisis? Q4: Does asking for guidance necessarily prevent understanding?

Cannot seeking help be a means of discovery of ourselves? If not, what is the sense of listening to you, Krishnamurti?


Q5: What is total vision? Is it an extension of our normal brain function or something totally different?

From series: BR85T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1985 - Public Meetings - Facing a world in crisis


BR85Q2 - Brockwood Park 1985 - Public Q&A 2

Duration: 83 minutes


         Is it possible to be totally free of influence, to find the origin, the beginning of all things?


Q1: Is there a faculty to see that there is no path to truth outside myself? What will give me the need, the energy to move in this direction?


Q2: I am afraid to change. If I change, what will happen afterwards?


Q3: How does one meet aggression and psychological attack from a close relative from whom one cannot escape?


Q4: What do you say to people who seem to pick parts of what you say that fits their problems or interest and then discard the rest?


Q5: There are many accounts of people following a particular discipline who come upon the immeasurable. Are they self-deluded, or have they come to this somehow despite their efforts?

From series: BR85T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1985 - Public Meetings - Facing a world in crisis


BR85T1 - Brockwood Park 1985 - Public Talk 1 - Why do we have so many problems?

Duration: 71 minutes


         How do you approach a problem or challenge?


Can the brain, educated to live with problems, have no problems at all? Are we aware that our brain lives with problems?

Can the brain become aware of itself, its thoughts, its reactions, its way of living?


Can the brain be free of self-interest, which is the beginning of corruption and the origin of conflict? Is it possible to live in this complicated world without conflict?

The question, not the answer, has tremendous significance.


Can one remain quiet and watch? Are observation and love related?

From series: BR85T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1985 - Public Meetings - Facing a world in crisis

BR85T2 - Brockwood Park 1985 - Public Talk 2 - The relationship of time and thought to fear

Duration: 78 minutes


         What is the nature of beauty? What is its relationship to thought, time and love? Can memory apprehend that which is beautiful?


Time is the movement of memory, knowledge, experience. Can this movement ever end? What is the connection between thought and time?

Can thinking in the deepest valleys of the brain ever stop?


Is relationship, the closeness, the feeling for each other, based on thought?


Is fear related to time and thought? Is it possible to end fear now so completely that you are free?

From series: BR85T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1985 - Public Meetings - Facing a world in crisis


BR85T3 - Brockwood Park 1985 - Public Talk 3 - The relationship of freedom to self-interest

Duration: 62 minutes


         Do we realize how very little freedom we have?


Are pleasure, fear, self-interest, time, thought, all one movement?


Does change imply a movement in time? If we understand that all time is now then is change meaningless?


Why has man suffered from time immemorial? Is there an end to sorrow?


Is love a continuation and remembrance of pleasure, or is it entirely beyond thought and time? What relationship has love to sorrow and compassion?


Where there is love there is absolute freedom. Can we live our daily life with that perfume?

From series: BR85T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1985 - Public Meetings - Facing a world in crisis


BR85T4 - Brockwood Park 1985 - Public Talk 4 - The nature of the brain that lives religiously

Duration: 69 minutes


         Do we realize that we are the world and the world is us?


Can we together understand the world, ourselves and our relationship to the world?


Can we inquire together into why we want continuity and what is ending? How are time and thought involved in this process? What is death?


If we realize the immense significance of living with that ending that is called death in our daily life, there is real transformation, real mutation, even in the brain cells.


Can the brain ever understand that which is limitless? Can the brain be quiet? Is there a mind, which is not the brain, to understand that immensity?

From series: BR85T1-4 Q1-2 - Brockwood Park 1985 - Public Meetings - Facing a world in crisis


LO61T1 - London 1961 - Public Talk 1 - What is the mind?

Duration: 80 minutes


         What is the mind? How do you observe? From what centre do you observe?


Do I see the totality of the mind?


Experience is always in terms of what is known.


Q: Will understanding come through self-awareness?


Do you see that a mind which is a slave to words is incapable of looking, observing, feeling, seeing? From series: LO61T1-12 - London 1961 - Public Meetings - The mind must be totally empty to see something new


LO61T2 - London 1961 - Public Talk 2 - What is thinking?

Duration: 81 minutes


         Most of us live in a state of self-contradiction, not only collectively but individually. From this contradiction there is conflict.


Q: Is thinking entirely the result of conditioning?


The totality of consciousness is conditioned. Any response from the unconscious is not a liberating influence or a liberating factor.


Is it possible for an action to take place which is not within the field of consciousness or of limitation and conditioning?

Can the conscious mind investigate something which it does not know? Q: Can we become completely free beings?

From series: LO61T1-12 - London 1961 - Public Meetings - The mind must be totally empty to see something new


LO61T3 - London 1961 - Public Talk 3 - Can the mind experience without leaving a residue as memory?

Duration: 64 minutes


         Can the mind understand the nature of conflict and come out of it renewed, fresh, young and innocent?


Everything we do is action: every movement of thought, every gesture, every idea, every wave of the mind. Every action breeds a reaction, and from that reaction another action tales place. So our action is reaction.


Each experience leaves its residue as memory, a scar. So memory is the problem, not desire or resistance.


(Due to a technical fault, the last 15 minutes of this talk was not recorded)

From series: LO61T1-12 - London 1961 - Public Meetings - The mind must be totally empty to see something new


LO61T4 - London 1961 - Public Talk 4 - Why has the mind to be occupied?

Duration: 82 minutes


         Why is there the compulsive urge to commit oneself to an idea, a group, a certain way of thinking, to the course of a particular action?

Is it possible for the mind to stand completely alone? Have we ever lived with something without resistance?

From series: LO61T1-12 - London 1961 - Public Meetings - The mind must be totally empty to see something new


LO61T5 - London 1961 - Public Talk 5 - Can the mind free itself from fear?

Duration: 44 minutes


         What does inquiry imply?


The so-called positive approach is essentially a prolongation of fear



(Due to a technical fault, the last 30 minutes of this talk was not recorded)

From series: LO61T1-12 - London 1961 - Public Meetings - The mind must be totally empty to see something new


LO61T6 - London 1961 - Public Talk 6 - Can the mind wipe away entirely the conditioning of centuries?

Duration: 74 minutes


         Can the mind understand the limitations of imitation and conforming to a pattern?


Attention is not concentration.


In the very act of listening there is a revolution, a fundamental transformation.


A mind that sees the truth of something false or true is perceiving immediately, without any conflict, cause or after-results.

Q: How does one know whether one is seeing the whole volume or only a page? What is the state of the mind that sees the whole?

From series: LO61T1-12 - London 1961 - Public Meetings - The mind must be totally empty to see something new


LO61T7 - London 1961 - Public Talk 7 - What significance has desire?

Duration: 69 minutes


         One can see very clearly that every form of discipline, control, suppression, perverts the beauty of desire and therefore makes the mind and the heart hard, incapable of being young, swift.


Can one live in this world without ambition?


Q: Is it possible to get rid of the object and stay with the essence of desire?

From series: LO61T1-12 - London 1961 - Public Meetings - The mind must be totally empty to see something new


LO61T8 - London 1961 - Public Talk 8 - Can the mind be free from conflict?

Duration: 66 minutes


         The mind must be totally empty to see something new.


Why does conflict arise?


Through one escape, can the mind see the futility of all escapes, and therefore have no conflict?

From series: LO61T1-12 - London 1961 - Public Meetings - The mind must be totally empty to see something new


LO61T9 - London 1961 - Public Talk 9 - Time and death

Duration: 82 minutes


         Learning implies a state of mind which is never gathering or accumulating.


Has the mind invented a time which is psychological as a means of achievement, becoming something?


It is only something that dies that has the possibility of creation, newness, freshness. Is it possible to die while living, with the vitality, energy, senses fully awake? What does that death mean?


There is a dying and a living where time as space and distance are understood.

From series: LO61T1-12 - London 1961 - Public Meetings - The mind must be totally empty to see something new


LO61T10 - London 1961 - Public Talk 10 - What is the quality of the mind that is capable of meditation?

Duration: 76 minutes


         Sensitivity is essential. A mind that has frontiers, that is conditioned, is not sensitive.

A nationalist or a believer obviously hasn�t a sensitive mind: his belief or nationalism limits his mind. The perception of what is beautiful demands the passion of austerity.

When there is this deep, inward look, inward pursuit, inward flow, the mind is not anything apart from that which is sublime. Therefore all searching, seeking, longing, comes to an end.

From series: LO61T1-12 - London 1961 - Public Meetings - The mind must be totally empty to see something new


LO61T11 - London 1961 - Public Talk 11 - The truly religious mind is not a slave to time

Duration: 68 minutes


         Progress in certain ways is very good, essential; but progress also destroys freedom.


Despair exists only when there is hope.


The energy that is generated by the self for the things it desires, is entirely different from the energy that has no cause.

Creation is disorder. But that disorder has order because it is creative. Q: Does the same mind create disorder and order?

From series: LO61T1-12 - London 1961 - Public Meetings - The mind must be totally empty to see something



LO61T12 - London 1961 - Public Talk 12 - How is one to understand the totality of suffering?

Duration: 84 minutes


         A religious mind brings about a total revolution, not only within but without. It is only a religious revolution that can solve the problems of human existence, no other revolution.


Suffering perverts the mind, distorts the mind. Suffering is not the way to truth, reality, God. Through the part, one can never feel the whole. How does one feel the whole of mankind? What creates conflict?

Is there a thinker apart from thought?


Q: Would you tell us a little more of what love is?


Q: You said that only a mind which is cleansed will arrive at this quietness and feeling. Is the process of cleansing a process of thought?


Q: Can there be thinking without memory?

From series: LO61T1-12 - London 1961 - Public Meetings - The mind must be totally empty to see something new


LO65D1 - London 1965 - Public Discussion 1 - Can we deal with life as a whole?

Duration: 92 minutes


         How is one to be aware and be free of one�s own mechanical ways of thinking, without creating another mechanism?


Can I take stock of myself without pleasure or pain, just as I am? Can we look at something with all our being?

Without understanding desire and will, which separate life into fragments, I shall not be able to solve the issue of fragmentation.


I must be completely familiar with desire, not destroy it, resist it, or try to be without it.

From series: LO65D1-6 - London 1965 - Public Meetings - To live in the present, time must come to an end


LO65D2 - London 1965 - Public Discussion 2 - Effort involves dissipation of energy

Duration: 93 minutes


         Is it possible to live without effort and yet be intensely active?


How is a human being to break away from a mechanical existence so that life is creative? Why does thought interfere with desire?

What is the act of learning?


How does one come to the point where, in full enjoyment of something, it ends?


There are moments when I am completely attentive or aware, and there are long periods in which I am not. What am I to do?


How can I live in the present when I am the result of the past?

From series: LO65D1-6 - London 1965 - Public Meetings - To live in the present, time must come to an end

LO65D3 - London 1965 - Public Discussion 3 - Time is disorder

Duration: 85 minutes


         Is it possible to be totally free of fear, not tomorrow but in the now?


The mere discovery of the cause of sorrow doesn�t end sorrow. Energy is needed to meet something which I don�t understand.

We know only physical and psychological time, and we are caught in this.


If psychological time is rejected completely, we may find a time which is not related to physical and psychological time.


Is one�s clarity verbal or is it factual?


One has to understand the extraordinary drive of pleasure and the nature of time which gives pleasure duration as thought.


The mind is completely still when you reject time, the principle of pleasure and its continuity.

From series: LO65D1-6 - London 1965 - Public Meetings - To live in the present, time must come to an end


LO65D4 - London 1965 - Public Discussion 4 - Is it possible to live in this world without experiencing?

Duration: 82 minutes


         We only know space from a centre, which is the observer, and so our space always has a limit.


If the mind is crowded and has no space, you cannot really observe.


To observe totally demands a seeing, a hearing in which distance and space are not. Is it possible for the �me� to cease and therefore for space to exist?

It is only the disordered mind that seeks experience or wants more experience. Is it possible to die to the known?

If there is an interval of time between seeing and acting, the seeing and acting result in disorder. Q: What is silence?

Q: Is it not possible that it is physical time that pulls us into this whole mess?

From series: LO65D1-6 - London 1965 - Public Meetings - To live in the present, time must come to an end


LO65D5 - London 1965 - Public Discussion 5 - On change and meditation

Duration: 84 minutes


         When there is a motive to change, it is change within the field of the known.


Can you drop a habit completely, immediately?


Having brought order, the mind is very sane and therefore has no illusions.

There is a movement which is silence, which is meditation. When the experiencer experiences silence, it is not silence.

Where there is tremendous order, the mind naturally comes to a point where it has no movement of any kind because it is no longer experiencing itself as a movement or as a non-movement.


What is creation?

From series: LO65D1-6 - London 1965 - Public Meetings - To live in the present, time must come to an end


LO65D6 - London 1965 - Public Discussion 6 - Is it possible to look at fear out of silence?

Duration: 87 minutes


         Is going within oneself a matter of time?


Why do we give such extraordinary importance to thinking and the intellect?


Is it possible for a human being to step out of the everlasting circle of fear, guilt and desperate loneliness?


Pleasure is not love; pleasure is the continuation of memory, which feeds and sustains pleasure. Beauty, love, death and creation all go together.

Looking without words.


If I can look at a flower out of silence, I can look at myself and all the problems which exist in me. Can you look at the tree not as an observer?

When you are attentive there is neither outside nor inside.

From series: LO65D1-6 - London 1965 - Public Meetings - To live in the present, time must come to an end


LO69T1 - London 1969 - Public Talk 1 - Looking at violence without the word

Duration: 94 minutes


         Is it possible for the mind to be entirely free from conflict?


In the understanding of conflict is the possibility of right conduct. Is the analyser different from the thing analysed?

What does it mean to see and understand something or to listen to somebody? The act of seeing is the act of freedom from that which is, such as violence.

One has to be a teacher and pupil of oneself. There is no teacher outside. Why does one build images?

The word brings its own division. Can you look at violence without the word?



Questions from the audience followed the talk.

From series: LO69T1-4 - London 1969 - Public Meetings - Without freedom from the known, the possible cannot be captured

LO69T2 - London 1969 - Public Talk 2 - Can the mind be free of fear?

Duration: 77 minutes


         Can there be complete psychological freedom?


Learning and freedom go together.


One cannot learn about oneself unless one is free.


To learn about oneself one must observe actually as one is, not according to patterns, formulas or concepts.


Can the mind resolve its conditioning and fears completely? Fear makes us accept conditioning. Fear and pleasure arise through the structure of thought.

What place has thought in life? The thinker is the thought.


Questions from the audience followed the talk.

From series: LO69T1-4 - London 1969 - Public Meetings - Without freedom from the known, the possible cannot be captured


LO69T3 - London 1969 - Public Talk 3 - A way of living in which there is no division

Duration: 90 minutes


         To find a way of living with no fragmentation, one has to go deeply into what is love and death.


What is the relationship between pleasure and intelligence? Is there a tomorrow psychologically?

Is it possible for the mind to be free of the past so that it is not bound by time? All division must bring about conflict.

What is the deeper level of the mind?


Why do we give deep significance to the unconscious mind but don�t give great importance to the conscious mind?


What is the relationship between love and death?


Unless the mind changes radically our living has very little meaning. Can one die from day to day to everything psychologically known?


Questions from the audience followed the talk.

From series: LO69T1-4 - London 1969 - Public Meetings - Without freedom from the known, the possible cannot be captured

LO69T4 - London 1969 - Public Talk 4 - Meditation and the activity of silence

Duration: 91 minutes


         Is truth ever to be found by seeking?


Why should one have any experience at all? Light is light; it doesn�t ask for more light.

The desire for more experience is an escape from the actual, from �what is�.


Unless one lays the foundation of virtue, meditation becomes a trick to control the mind. Any method that teaches how to meditate is obviously false.

Out of awareness of inattention there is attention. You don�t have to practise awareness. What takes place when the thinker is the thought? Then does the mind wander at all?

Concentration is a form of resistance. Where there is resistance there is division and conflict. Can the brain be made quiet?

The activity of silence is entirely different from the quality of self-centred activity.



Questions from the audience followed the talk.

From series: LO69T1-4 - London 1969 - Public Meetings - Without freedom from the known, the possible cannot be captured


LO82T1 - London 1982 - Public Talk 1 - Is it possible not to have conflict and not to have images?

Duration: 86 minutes


         Can there be peace in isolation?


Why is there in relationship conflict between human beings? Is it possible to live a life without a single image?

When you have your own image and the other has another, there must be continuous conflict. Is not thinking mechanical and repetitive?

What place has knowledge in our life?


Images are created by thought. Can thought recognise its own place and not interfere in relationship? What is the cause of fear?

Desire is you. You are not separate from desire.


Is desire the action of thought?

From series: LO82T1-2 - London 1982 - Public Meetings

LO82T2 - London 1982 - Public Talk 2 - Order in consciousness

Duration: 62 minutes


         Is one aware of the root of fear, the conscious as well as the hidden?


What is the difference between love and thought that has created the pleasure of love? Can there be love where there is suffering?

Is disorder the pursuit of an ideal, expressing itself in conflict inwardly or outwardly? Why are we frightened if things end?

When there is no dissipation of energy through division, what happens to fear? Can we inquire about the religious mind without being free of belief?

What has practice to do with meditation?


Only in absolute silence can the mind come upon that which is sacred.

From series: LO82T1-2 - London 1982 - Public Meetings



1 B - Public Meetings (India and Sri Lanka)


BA71T1 - Bangalore 1971 - Public Talk 1 - What is fear and what is pleasure?

Duration: 99 minutes


         No book can teach you about yourself, no psychologist, none of the professors or philosophers. What they can teach you is what they think you are or what they think you should be.


To understand fear and pleasure, one has to observe them in oneself, not theoretically but actually see them operating in yourself.


Freedom and the beauty of freedom comes when you understand actually �what is�, when you really understand your own confusion, callousness and brutality.


Where there is attachment there must be the uncertainty that the person to whom you are attached may turn to another or may die. So where there is attachment there must be fear.

What is the function of thought, knowing that fear and pleasure are two sides of the coin? To observe without the observer.

From series: BA71T1-2 - Bangalore 1971 - Public Meetings


BA71T2 - Bangalore 1971 - Public Talk 2 - How does the observer come into being?

Duration: 95 minutes


         How do you look at your life?


As long as there is an observer and the thing observed there must be conflict in you. When there is conflict in you, you project that conflict outwardly.


When you are seeking power, is there a possibility of love?

A mind that has been hurt must die to the hurts every day so that the next morning there�s a fresh, clear mind, which has no scars.


Q: When you say the one who says he knows doesn�t know, what do you mean? Must you not know yourself to say that?


Q: You don�t want us to read the great Indian epics. What�s wrong with them? Why are you so hostile towards our great saints?


Q: What is the reason for the grievances that sex has brought to the world in spite of the fact that it is the greatest energy of man?

From series: BA71T1-2 - Bangalore 1971 - Public Meetings


BA73T1 - Bangalore 1973 - Public Talk 1 - In the state of attention there is no observer

Duration: 94 minutes


         Where there is division, whether religious, national, economic or social, there must be conflict.


Begin not with the world but with yourself, because you are the world and the world is you.


A revolution is necessary � not of the bomb or with bloodshed; that has not produced a change in the world at all. There must be a total transformation of the human mind to create a different kind of culture.


Is there an action which is not based on a conclusion or on an idea? What is acquiring knowledge and what is learning?

Questions from the audience followed the talk

From series: BA73T1-3 - Bangalore 1973 - Public Meetings - Truth is a living thing with no place, abode or time


BA73T2 - Bangalore 1973 - Public Talk 2 - Fear, love and death

Duration: 83 minutes


         Where there is dependency there is fear and the pain of that which you depend upon being taken away.


Can the mind be totally free of the accumulated fears of society and culture, and also of the personal fears?


Does thought breed fear?


The pursuit of status is a psychological state invented by man in the social structure in which he lives. Is love attachment?

Love is the total negation of what it is not. Can the mind be free of death?

Questions from the audience followed the talk

From series: BA73T1-3 - Bangalore 1973 - Public Meetings - Truth is a living thing with no place, abode or time


BA73T3 - Bangalore 1973 - Public Talk 3 - A meditative mind is free of all control

Duration: 70 minutes


         Unless the mind has understood its entirety, the religious mind will not come into being.


The foundation of meditation is self-knowing, relationship in which there is no conflict, and order in our daily life.


Truth is a living thing with no place, abode or time. It is free of any conclusion or theory.


When you practise meditation, the meditator becomes all-important and not the movement of meditation.


Meditation is a state of mind in which the operation and exercise of will is not. Meditation has no direction, is not seeking experience. It is no longer seeking at all.


A meditative mind, having no concentration, has attention.

From series: BA73T1-3 - Bangalore 1973 - Public Meetings - Truth is a living thing with no place, abode or time


BA74T1 - Bangalore 1974 - Public Talk 1 - What is your mind?

Duration: 87 minutes


         Is your mind in the prison of tradition?


The only thing that matters is whether you can transform, bring about a total revolution in yourself. In a degenerating world growing daily darker, one has to be a light to oneself.

You must understand yourself. What are you? Can you look at yourself without a single image? Can you observe sanely?


Questions from the audience followed the talk

From series: BA74T1-4 - Bangalore 1974 - Public Meetings - Living, love and death are one movement


BA74T2 - Bangalore 1974 - Public Talk 2 - Is there a non-mechanistic behaviour?

Duration: 65 minutes


         We have made the mind a mechanical instrument.


Is there a quality of mind that is not mechanical?


When you have an ideology you are conditioned, and there is no action in the present. Is there an action which is not mechanistic, not based on reward and punishment?

Can you observe without the gesture of thought?


To understand or to look at pleasure, you must understand the nature and structure of thought.

From series: BA74T1-4 - Bangalore 1974 - Public Meetings - Living, love and death are one movement


BA74T3 - Bangalore 1974 - Public Talk 3 - Sorrow, love and death

Duration: 79 minutes


         Why do you feel at a loss, lonely, when stripped of your attachments?


Can you look at your life without getting depressed and without wanting change? Can the mind be free of images about yourself or anyone?

Love is like a flower that blossoms.


The ground in which love can blossom is when the mind understands suffering totally. What is it that is frightened of death?

Love is as strong as death, and living is not separate from love and death.



Questions from the audience followed the talk

From series: BA74T1-4 - Bangalore 1974 - Public Meetings - Living, love and death are one movement


BA74T4 - Bangalore 1974 - Public Talk 4 - Meditation is concerned with the whole of life

Duration: 94 minutes


         Meditation has immense significance and reveals an astonishing depth which time, thought and measure cannot enter.


Can the mind observe disorder without the observer?


Why do you accept the pattern set by another about meditation or anything? Behaviour based on order is virtue.

Time is movement in space in a direction you have set. Can the mind be free of time?

Meditation demands tremendous attention. There is great energy where there is attention. Can the mind be free from all control?


Questions from the audience followed the talk

From series: BA74T1-4 - Bangalore 1974 - Public Meetings - Living, love and death are one movement


BE69T - Benares 1969 - Public Talk - Why does man perpetuate violence?

Duration: 88 minutes


         Why does man live in violence?


Why has man given extraordinary importance to sex and self-expression through violence? A total mutation is necessary of the whole structure and nature of the brain and mind.

Can fear in the human mind and heart be put aside?


If there is division between the observer and the observed, there must be conflict. That is the very

root of violence.


Inquiry into oneself demands great delicacy.


To learn about something you must not come to it with previous knowledge.



Questions from the audience followed the talk.

From series: BE69T - Benares 1969 - Public Meeting - Why does man perpetuate violence?


BO71T1 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1971 - Public Talk 1 - To perceive �what is� is the basis of truth

Duration: 86 minutes


         Where there is division there must be conflict. A mind in conflict must inevitably be distorted and therefore it cannot possibly see clearly what is truth.


We need a total change, a deep revolution, psychological revolution, the inward revolution, without which you cannot possibly create a new society.


Is it possible to observe, to perceive without the observer?


How are images formed? Can the image-building come to an end?


Knowledge is absolutely necessary. Is it possible that knowledge, which the brain has accumulated through centuries, does not interfere with relationship?

From series: BO71T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1971 - Public Meetings - To learn about oneself one has to learn anew each minute


BO71T2 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1971 - Public Talk 2 - Direct perception is freedom

Duration: 80 minutes


         Can the mind living in this world ever be free, not only superficially but profoundly, at the very root of its existence?


�Freedom from� is an abstraction, but freedom in observing �what is� and going beyond it is actual freedom.


How do I observe greed? Do I observe it as an outsider looking in or do I observe it without the observer?


Without the mind being free you cannot live in order.

Q: Three years have passed; I have no energy to be aware of my reactions. Q: Can we seek God through observation?

From series: BO71T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1971 - Public Meetings - To learn about oneself one has to learn anew each minute


BO71T3 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1971 - Public Talk 3 - Love is that quality of mind in which there is no division

Duration: 89 minutes


         To live in this world with intelligence, in spite of all the complications.


Is it possible to be free of fear, not only the superficial fear in relationship but the deep-rooted fear?

Thought nourishes, sustains and gives continuity to fear and pleasure. When you are learning, your mind is awake.

Truth isn�t second-hand; you can�t get it through a guru, a book, you have to learn about it. The beauty of learning is that you don�t know what truth is.


What is love?


A man who has not love in his heart, but the things made by thought, will make a monstrous world, will construct a society that is totally immoral. To find out, you must undo everything that you have done.


What does it mean to die?

From series: BO71T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1971 - Public Meetings - To learn about oneself one has to learn anew each minute


BO71T4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1971 - Public Talk 4 - A mind in meditation is concerned only with meditation, not with the meditator

Duration: 87 minutes


         If you can put aside your favourite systems, if you can understand that concentration is merely a resistance and therefore constant conflict and wastage of energy, then we can find out for ourselves what is necessary for a mind that is in a state of meditation.


To learn about oneself, a living thing, you have to watch, learn anew each minute. What is will?

Consciousness is heritage, the result of time. Consciousness is the content of itself, which is time, sorrow, confusion, misery. Intelligence has no heritage.


What is a mind that is completely silent?


Q: How does one cope with the extraordinary energy that human beings have?


Please note that the original audio recording was of poor quality. Subtitles are available.

From series: BO71T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1971 - Public Meetings - To learn about oneself one has to learn anew each minute


BO74T1 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1974 - Public Talk 1 - Can the human mind radically regenerate?

Duration: 87 minutes


         There is no attention if I move away from the statement that I am the world.


Regeneration means to be reborn anew.


Can your mind, shaped by the society in which you live, undergo a radical transformation? Can the mind be free of a mechanical way of living?

What does it mean to perceive?

Questions from the audience followed the talk

From series: BO74T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1974 - Public Meetings - Can the mind regenerate itself?


BO74T2 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1974 - Public Talk 2 - Can the mind remain with hurt?

Duration: 66 minutes


         The content of our minds can be understood, explored and observed when the word is not the thing, the description is not the described.


Can the mind be free of the machinery of making images? What do we do with all the hurts the image has received?

A mind that is hurt is incapable of perception, seeing directly and acting instantly.


Can thought naturally, without effort, prevent itself from creating images about itself or another? Can the mind observe hurt or envy without the observer?

Religion is the transformation and regeneration of man.

From series: BO74T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1974 - Public Meetings - Can the mind regenerate itself?


BO74T3 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1974 - Public Talk 3 - Living, love and the meaning of death

Duration: 67 minutes


         Our existence, as it is, is very confused: we are in great turmoil outwardly and inwardly.


Can the mind be related without a single image? What is the meaning of life?

Can a mind, driven by desire and tortured by lust, come to reality? Is love the pursuit of what has been?

Can the mind free itself from the known and live in freedom?


What happens to a mind that has always lived in the known?

From series: BO74T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1974 - Public Meetings - Can the mind regenerate itself?


BO74T4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1974 - Public Talk 4 - Meditation, order and space

Duration: 84 minutes


         Order is necessary for austerity.


Can you observe the disorder in which you live without the eyes of the past? When thought is in movement it creates the bondage of time.

In meditation are you concerned with achieving something, an experience others say they have had? Thought is time and measurement.

Can the mind behave orderly without control or effort, with no conflict?

Can the mind be free of the �me� so that it has immense space?

From series: BO74T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1974 - Public Meetings - Can the mind regenerate itself?


BO78T1 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1978 - Public Talk 1 - When you change radically it affects all mankind

Duration: 76 minutes


         Can you, representing the common factor of humanity, bring about a regeneration of your mind?


This investigation implies that you must be free to look at your life. What is the root of conflict?

Can we live in a relationship with each other in which there is no conflict whatsoever? Why is there in us a dual process of thinking?

In daily life can you drop the opposite and your ideal and deal only with �what is�? Jealousy is common to all mankind. Can you observe that feeling without naming it?

We are caught in conflicting desires. Why does thought create the image out of which desire is born?


Can the brain record only that which is essential?

From series: BO78T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1978 - Public Meetings - A total regeneration of the mind


BO78T2 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1978 - Public Talk 2 - Can there be a regeneration of the mind?

Duration: 69 minutes


         There is a great deal of psychological interference when we observe. Can one observe without the past interfering?


Why do we live in the past and act from the past? Is it because the past is more secure and the future is totally uncertain?


Is there fear if you don't create images?


Why does thought create pictures of the past or future, which breed fear? Is thought, which is time, a factor of fear?

Can one register only that which is necessary and not build the psychological structure of the �me�? Fear and love cannot exist together.

Total clarity of the mind is innocence.

From series: BO78T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1978 - Public Meetings - A total regeneration of the mind


BO78T3 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1978 - Public Talk 3 - What makes our lives so disorderly and confused?

Duration: 67 minutes


         Is breaking away from disorder more frightening than to live in it?


Pleasure is one of the major factors of disorder. Why do we pursue pleasure?

What is the nature and structure of pleasure? Enjoyment is not pleasure. Love is the flame that burns away meanness and brutality.

Is love related to pleasure and desire? Does an ambitious man know love? Where there is fear there can be no love.

Can the sorrow in human beings end?

Is sorrow always associated with an incident or is there sorrow by itself? Death is part of our life. Can I live with death always as my shadow?

From series: BO78T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1978 - Public Meetings - A total regeneration of the mind


BO78T4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1978 - Public Talk 4 - Meditation is a flowering that has no motive

Duration: 75 minutes


         Are we heavily conditioned?


Is the entity who wishes to break down conditioning different from the conditioning itself? Does the division between the observer and the observed waste energy?

Is the observer at the very root of conflict?


Will it take time to break down conditioning? Is there psychological time at all? Can your mind end its state of constantly being occupied?

When there is disorder there is dissipation of energy. For meditation there must be immense energy. Is all reality put together by thought?

Can thought being fragmented investigate the immeasurable?


Meditation does not seek anything, because it is without time and the �me�.

From series: BO78T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1978 - Public Meetings - A total regeneration of the mind


BO83T1 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1983 - Public Talk 1 - Why do we have problems at all?

Duration: 77 minutes


         What is a problem? Is it possible to live without a single problem?


Is our brain educated to solve problems?


Do we look at the vast movement of life from the narrow window of our own little self? Why has man created division?

Is thought the cause of vast misery?


What is thought? Is thought individual? Is it fragmentary and divisive by nature?

Is there an end to thought? What is its origin and why has it become so important? What place has knowledge in life?

From series: BO83T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1983 - Public Meetings - Is it possible to live a life without a single problem?


BO83T2 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1983 - Public Talk 2 - Is it possible to live without a single problem?

Duration: 77 minutes


         What is the nature of conflict?


Can one live without any comparison?


Is the desire to become, which is comparison and measurement, one of the causes of conflict? How does one deal with fact? How do I observe the fact that I am violent?

Is a good mind full of knowledge? Is a good mind a free, comprehensive, global mind? How is the brain to be quiet, not to chatter?

Can one observe without any choice one's greed, envy, ambition and arrogance? To understand relationship is the most important thing in life.

What does love mean? With love the mind is in the heart.

From series: BO83T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1983 - Public Meetings - Is it possible to live a life without a single problem?


BO83T3 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1983 - Public Talk 3 - Is there time psychologically?

Duration: 77 minutes


         What has beauty to do with our daily life? Beauty and creation are outside time.


Can greed evolve into non-greed?


Can fear disappear through time or is time itself the root of fear?


Is thought different from time? Does thought divide as time, evolution and becoming? A love without attachment and jealousy.

Is sorrow different from the psychological wounds we receive? Can sorrow and fear ever end?

Is the observer different from the observed? Where there is love there is no observer.

From series: BO83T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1983 - Public Meetings - Is it possible to live a life without a single problem?


BO83T4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1983 - Public Talk 4 - A religious mind

Duration: 77 minutes


         What is going to happen to us when the computer can do almost everything that we can do?


What is the relationship of life to love, death and the search for something beyond thought? Is there continuity or is there constant change?

Are your name, form, ideas and conclusions the factor of continuity as the �me�? What are the implications of attachment?

If one sees the truth that you are the rest of mankind then what is death and what is the nature of ending?


Why do we constantly measure and compare? If we are free of measurement then what are we? Through systems and practice, do you become dull?

Meditation is the understanding of the whole structure of the �me�.

From series: BO83T1-4 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1983 - Public Meetings - Is it possible to live a life without a single problem?


BO84Q - Bombay (Mumbai) 1984 - Public Q&A 1

Duration: 76 minutes


         Q1: What is beauty? Why do we like things that are beautiful?


Q2: Is perception of the actual possible without the intervention of thought? Q3: How can one live with a husband who does not care?

Q4: Is it necessary to marry in life? What is the physical relationship between man and woman? Q5: What is the difference between the brain and the mind?

Q6: What is faith?

Q7: If human consciousness is one, how is it that one person is happy and the other is unhappy? Q8: If the great religions of the world are not religions, what is then religion?

From series: BO84T1-4 Q - Bombay (Mumbai) 1984 - Public Meetings - Time is the enemy of man


BO84T1 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1984 - Public Talk 1 - A different quality of life

Duration: 74 minutes


         To learn is like a river moving, renewing itself all the time.


Can we observe what is happening in the world? What is the cause of wars?

Our consciousness, which is what you feel, what you think, your reactions, beliefs, pain, anxiety, loneliness, sorrow, lack of love, is shared by all human beings.


What is your responsibility?


Is it possible to have a brain that is free so as to solve problems, not having problems then trying to solve problems?


Do you love anybody?

From series: BO84T1-4 Q - Bombay (Mumbai) 1984 - Public Meetings - Time is the enemy of man


BO84T2 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1984 - Public Talk 2 - The endless cycle of action and reaction

Duration: 82 minutes


         Why is there conflict in our life?


Is it possible to live a daily life so that there is no division between the past, the future and the present?


Is it possible not to record insult or flattery?


When you think about something, what do you mean by thinking?


Time is the enemy of man. Illumination is not enlightenment through time. It is not a gradual process of success after success.


Violence is me, greed is me, anger is me. Later on I say, �I have been angry,� but the fact is anger is me. So the observer is the observed.

From series: BO84T1-4 Q - Bombay (Mumbai) 1984 - Public Meetings - Time is the enemy of man


BO84T3 - Bombay (Mumbai) 1984 - Public Talk 3 - The art of living and dying

Duration: 79 minutes


         Is it possible in this crazy world to live a life in which every kind of problem and conflict doesn�t exist?


What is the art of living?