Alice Bailey
She was born and grew up in the rich orthodox Christian environment in the UK . She was an influential writer and lecturer in the fields of the occult, esoteric treatment, Christianity, astrology and spirituality. As very young she began to wonder about the meaning of life and the credibility of the dogmas of the time. Because of the feeling of worthlessness and a certain degree of interest in life after death, she already has up to her fifteenth year three times tried to take her life. When she was 15 years old, a stranger visited her; “… a tall man, dressed in European clothes and wore the turban” who told her that she must develop self-control and thus prepare for the work that is planned for her. At first she thought the mysterious man who visited here was Jesus, but later found that it really is the Master Koot Hoomi.
In the following years, Alice worked in military homes in Ireland and India. After marrying, she moved to the USA where she gave birth to three children. When she separated from her husband, she was very poor, took care for children and worked in a factory.
In 1917 she met some direct disciples of Helena Blavatsky, acquainted with her teachings and joined the Theosophical Society. Then she met the future husband Foster Bailey. In year of 1918 she became a member of the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society. Bailey wrote that in 1919 she contacted master, known as the Tibetan. She said that after initial resistance after only agreed to write messages to which he gave that source. She wrote 30 years, from 1919 – 1949. Result was 24 published books on ancient wisdom, philosophy, religion, contemporary events, science, psychology, nations, astrology and treatment. Soon she was together with her husband expelled from the Theosophical Society.
In 1922, Bailey began releasing the publication of The Beacon about esoteric philosophy. With the help of her husband, Alice in 1923 founded the Arcane School (also part of LUCIS Trust ), which was and still gives a series of correspondence courses based on her heterodox version of Theosophy, which accepted the basic Theosophical views on karma, reincarnation, masters and divine plan.
Since Alice in her books extensively used the term “New Age”, some authors describe her as the founder of the New Age movement, while others wrote about her commitment to paganism.