Chronology of theosophical movement in Slovenia




1895 In the Bled, dr. A. Rikli sets up a “Healing Institute” where many theosophists from all over the World come for treatment. Institute becomes a center for the dissemination of theosophical ideas.
1900 The first theosophical study group in Ljubljana under the leadership of dr. Edvard Šerko in touch with the Dutch section of the Theosophical Society.
1911 – 1918 Students of theosophy in contact with theosophical circle in Wien.
1914 – 1918 1. world war


1918 – 1920 Revival
1921 In Ljubljana preparatory committee for the establishment of the Yugoslavia of the Theosophical Society was set up, who attended the 1st World Congress of TS in Paris. The Committee issued a brochure “Theosophy is the wisdom of God and the wisdom of God.”
1922 Committee begins to issue magazine Ezoterična pisma.
1923 Commitee joins 7. European congress of TS in Wien in estabilishes “Teozofsko Družbo”, which is governed by g. Anton Zajc.
1924 Dr. Annie Besant, President of TS, 23:04 recognizes the group as a circle Earning, directly connected to Adyar, but with the death of President A. Zajc work in the same year dies. Theosophists in the Croatian 17:01 decided to set up the Theosophical Society of Yugoslavia.
1925 14:09. Annie Besant issues the Charter of the Yugoslav section of the Theosophical Society, chaired by Jelisaveta Varva
1926 Sekcija begins to issue magazine Teozofija.
1928 Society rents a flat in Zagreb for regular meetings and library. With estabilishmen of circle Krishnaji in Celje, which is led by Konec Konrad, again makes work to come alive in Slovenija.
1929 – 1937 Section issued a number of publications: Theosophy and the Theosophical Society for those who seek the truth; The Astral Plane and Devachan Plane (C. W. Leadbeater) ; Karma, I. Butković; At the Feet of teacher (J. Krishnamurti); The Voice of the Silence by H. P. Blavatsky and Light on the Path, M. Collins; number other translated works are published in typescript and in limited edition.
1938 In Zagreb is held Congress of the European Federation, which is attended by the President of TS George Arundale and his wife Rukmini Devi.
1939 Again, work of circle “Služenje” in Ljubljana is revitalized, led by Vladimir Komidar;
Circle of Surya in Maribor is newly estabilished and led by Vladimir Munda and issuing its own newsletter “Naša Beseda.” Yugoslavian section TS is renamed to “Teozofsko društvo v Jugoslaviji.”
1940 Croatian Theosophists in fear of German occupation disaband the Society.
Any operation under all of Yugoslavia ceases, except in Slovenia.
1941 – 1944 2. world war. In Ljubljana, the work continues illegaly.


1945 Theosophists in Zagreb revitalize the functioning of the Society and rename it into the Theosophical Society of Federal Republic of Croatia.
1946 Jelisaveta Varva, president of the association dies. New president, Alojz Piltaver is elected. Society begins to publish the Bulletin “Theosophical Radnik.” Slovenian theosophists in Ljubljana obtain the association premises.
1947 National authorities prohibit any activities of the Society and confiscate the entire property, archive, library and Charter. Working completely dies, except in Slovenia.
1948 – 1965 Operation in Slovenia is held illegally in Ljubljana Earning round, led by Anton Jesse, who enjoys the support of the European Federation TS and circle in Vienna.
1966 – 1967 Political changes in the country allow recovery of the Society’s operation, so on 9.05 is founded the Theosophical Society in Yugoslavia, and it’s general secretary becomes Anton Jesse.

In Slovenia, work of circles Service Iin Ljubljana and Krishnaji in Celje is officially reconstructed. Members attend the 5th World Congress TS in Salzburg, where president N. Sri Ram hosts a special reception for them.

1968 Members of society participate in congress of European Federation TS in Swanwick.
1969 New administrative board of society is elected, with general secretary Mila Grubačevič.
1970 – 1974 Regular work of society with meetings and annual schools in Gozd Martuljek.
Society obtains working space. A circle “Bratstvo” is estabilished for younger members.
1974 Society begins to issue magazine Mladi Teozof.
1976 Society’s magazine gets new name, Teozof.
1978 Headquarters of society moves to Zagreb.
1979 New management board of society is elected, for general secretary, Emilio Trampuž is choosen.
1980 – 1982 Work continues, and new circles are being estabilished, especially in Croatia. Society’s magazine renames to Staze.
1983 President of TD Radha Burnier launches an initiative of the president of circle Služenje in Ljubljana, Jennifer Krevel, investigation into the activities of Nova Akropola in the context of TS in Yugoslavia.

Based on the findings of the investigation Chair of TS excludes leadership workers of society and she withdraws founding documents of numerous circles.

1984 Emilio Trampuž convenes the extraordinary assembly of the Theosophical Society in Yugoslavia, which takes a decision to suspend all relations with Adyar and excludes circles: Služenje from Ljubljana, Razumevanje from Celje and Ljubav from Reka. Members of these groups held separate general meeting, where they elect the general secretary Avguštin Gerden.
1985 President of TS Radha Burnier visits Slovenia, and supports operation of circles, that were connected to Adyar. They begin to issue magazine Teozofska Misel.
1986 Excluded members in Zagreb rename Teozofsko društvo in SFRJ into society Pitagora.
1987 General secretary Avguštin Gerden dies, he is replaced with Anton Jesse.
1988 Leon Krevel, which worked 45 years to spread theosopy in Slovenia, dies.
1989 National authorities in Croatia confirmed that the society Pythagoras is legal successor of the Theosophical Society in SFRJ. Circles associated to Adyar on 07.07 founded the Theosophical Society in Slovenia, which is formed by circles of Adyar (former Služenje), Razumevanje in Surya in Koper (former Ljubav na Reki). The general secreatary becomes Anton Jesse. The Society publishes a booklet M. Collins “Luč na pot” (Light on the Path).
1990 Society publishes books of J. Krishnamurti – At feet of master and of H. P. Blavatsky – Voice of silence. Again they are visited by president of TS, Radha Burnier.

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