Her work

Her devotion to literary creativity was inexhaustible. Thus, in her words: “I will write in my bright and dark days, until the Lord will take the pen out of my hands.”
Work of Alma Karlin comprises of 24 published books, some in several editions and in various languages.
She has written more than 40 unpublished longer texts, a wide range of novel and bars, popular science articles, 400 songs that have been preserved in manuscript form, scores and drawings.
Travel books, novels and ethnological work were published in the first decade after her return. 22 of her books were between 1921 and 1937 released by various publishers in Germany, England, Finland and Switzerland.
Alma in her travelogues don’t just go on and describe the places she visited on her trip, but she has had always put man in the middle of the happening. In her works she indicated to seek and solve problems in a particular culture and therefore her works also have ethnological character. In 1934, a important shift happened in writings of world’s citizen. Alma has ceased to write travel articles and stories about exotic places and completely shifted in occultism , to which she all life felt special preference.
An important role in this had her encounter with Theosophy even during her student years in London. She was primarily interested in the exploration of ancient peoples and theosophy. In her works, which were the result of her visions, she addressed back to the time of Atlantis and the prehistory of China, Peru and Mexico. Thus, during this period occurred a few novels with theosophical content.
In 1937, she adopted to home and gave refuge to anti-nazi Hans J. Bonsack and in sign of protest ceased to publish in the German press. In Germany, they have banned her work and burned her books. Swedish writer and Nobel Prize winner Selma Lagerlöf ‘s has proposed Alma for the Nobel Prize for Literature for work “Gleaming in the dark.”
In 2009, was about the life of Alma filmed a documentary film entitled Alma M. Karlin .



  • Malik, 1932
  • Samotno potovanje, 1969, 2006
  • Isolanthis, roman o potopu celine, 1936
  • Moj mali Kitajec: roman iz Kitajske, 1921
  • Mistika Južnega morja: I. del Polinezija, II. del Melanezija – Mikronezija, 1931
  • Nabobova stranska žena, 1937


  • Mala Siamka, 1937
  • Najmlajši vnuk častitljivega I Čaa: novela iz Kitajske, 1948
  • O Joni San: Japonske novele, 2006


  • Kupa pozabljenih: dve zgodbi, 1938
  • Zmaji in duhovi, 1996
  • Mala pomlad: tri zgodbe, 1937
  • Mesečeve solze: zgodba iz Peruja, 1935
  • Štiri dekleta v vetru usode: zgodba z Južnega morja, 1936, 1939, 1943
  • Svetlikanje v mraku, 1999


  • Doživeti svet, 2006

Drama works

  • Kringhäuslerjevi: drama v treh dejanjih, 1918

Other works

  • Kot ujetnica pri lovcih na glavo na Novi Gvineji, 1960
  • Modri mesec, 1997
  • Smrtonosni trn, 2006
  • Angel na zemlji, 1998
  • Urok Južnega morja; Tragedija neke ženske, 1996
  • Popotne skice, 1997
  • Pod košatim očesom, 1938


  • Pohabljenček
  • Dežela lahkokrilih čolničev
  • Noujeva svetilka
  • Srebrni trak (razvojna zgodba neke duše)
  • Divji samorog (zgodba iz predzgodovinskih časov)
  • Skrivnostni klic
  • Veliki žrtveni kamen
  • Vrvica za zaprisego (zgodba iz življenja Parsov)
  • Sokoli s Sedmokronskega
  • Grad znanja v dimu (zgodba o ozvezdju)
  • Krivda zveneče skodelice veselja (zgodba iz stare Kitajske)
  • Srebrna piščal
  • Veneča vodna vrba
  • Zdravnik za časa Tutmosisa
  • Sel Modrega zmaja (roman iz predzgodovinske Kitajske)
  • Cvet višin
  • Upravitelj Norika
  • Daljna ženska (spomini 1934-1940)
  • Franziska Kladovalec
  • Verovanje in praznoverje na Daljnem Vzhodu
  • Sinov dan zaroke
  • Ihamiheis (roman iz zlate dobe Pozejdonisa)
  • V hiši ljudi (umetniški roman iz Japonske)
  • V deželi nočnih bakel
  • V deželi plapolajočega ognja
  • V blodnjavi zemeljskega
  • Irahamitro (roman iz zlate dobe Babilona)
  • Iwi – Sončev poljub
  • Pojoči cvet (roman iz prazgodovinske Japonske)
  • Pajki v mreži

Zgodbe z Južnega morja