Fostering the one Humanity (avtor: Domen Kočevar)
Članek z naslovom Fostering the one Humanity je bil objavljen v knjigi Insights on Global Challenges and Opportunities for the Century Ahead.
Humanity is a family of 7 billion humans. Seven billion persons, each one searching for happiness as their main motivation in life. Everyone just wants to be happy. Problems arise with having or not having what we want or when my feeling of happiness excludes your feeling of happiness. These problems bring pain and all other versions of unwanted feelings. Patanjali’s short yoga sutras, a jewel of Hindu philosophy, synthesized this in his account of the 5 KLESHAS, or obstacles to the experience of union. “The lack of awareness of Reality, the sense of egoism or “I-am-ness”, attractions and repulsions towards objects and the strong desire for life are the great afflictions or causes of all miseries of life.”1 . If we would know our true state of being, if we would know who we really are, all our problems would be gone. Consciousness gets identified with the matter with which it gets involved. It descends into matter, on an involutionary path, until the turning point. Evolutionary climbing towards the soul and later the spirit, if we use these terms, is the path of release from the obstacles to union so that the grip of avidya (ignorance) gets less and less firm.The Result is that our identification changes. Identifications become subtler and harder to spot and to see.
The story of the descent and ascent of the human has been described so many times with so many words throughout history that it is now mostly clear in the minds of those who study the path. Many people know so much. And deeper realizations are also happening where knowledge is being transformed into knowing and firm action. So many people are talking about one humanity, about oneness, the connectedness of all. In the last year when I seriously started considering doing a Ph.D. on this subject I saw the vast number of people touching the same heart of humanity. Science is revealing so many concrete examples of research that are showing the unavoidable fact that we are one. I believe that humanity is not so far from a collective jump onto the level of basic living of the qualities of the soul. Patanjali’s sutras outline the steps needed to overcome the obstacles or KLESHAS to our awareness of union, and individuals have trodden these steps in the past and still do. But now the collective field is so charged that it will soon start spilling over and surprising us where it is not expected. The path to conscious living as one big caring human family is becoming more and more attuned to the One Love, One Mind, and One Will. My observation of the world is that so many individuals are so near to attuning just enough to not be able to do each other any harm and even start actively caring and helping each other … so near. It is like a cup full of water and every new drop is spilling it over.
Once it starts flowing it will be an irreversible process. Our inner knowing of sameness, of sharing the same dreams and fears and pains is so strong. It is also easy to see that quite the opposite is happening: that there is an undercurrent which is trying to stop the quantum jump. But I believe that the extremes that we are seeing in the world are announcing the strength of the undercurrent of the movement of the Good, of the GOODWILL of All. Together with colleagues, Dr. Nina Meyerhof and I are working on a project in Auschwitz. This is the most horrifying and condensed expression of evil in history. The project is focused on how to go from there into a future where anything like that will be impossible. We know that today similar things to Auschwitz are happening in the world. How to go beyond the possibility of being able to do something so bad to each other? It is not important who is the oppressor and who is the victim. For me it is always just a question of HOW CAN SUCH HORRENDOUS ACTS BE POSSIBLE? That should vibrate in every one of us and push us in the actions that we know are right for each of us to do. It is daring to say that it does not matter who is the villain and who is the victim. Can you imagine the power of forgiveness needed to look at something like Auschwitz if you are the victim? And the same if you are the villain who realizes the result of his actions. The feeling of guilt is ruining many. When seeing the violence happening now in the world I sometimes try to identify myself with the man in the tank who is firing on other human beings. How can he do it? (Yes, it is mostly He).
I understand the process of command, hate arising out of pain, the process of defending and then using the chance… I can easily see how this is possible when human nature is disconnected from the whole. But I can also see the simple change that can happen when someone identifies with the Other and sees himself in the other. He sees the other’s mother and he sees himself. He sees the children of the other and sees his. When seeing the simplest smile of a woman he loves and thinks of the sadness of not coming home. Such small connections can “poison” consciousness with knowing the whole. And the “field” is really getting filled with information about our interconnectedness. From fully scientific inputs to totally practical knowing of the Oneness and Sameness of all. The outside is reaching towards the inside and the inside is trying even harder to come out. The touching points are happening in human beings all over the world. To touch the heart of the One Humanity is to know the importance of every colour in the world. It is knowing that every soul is different but knowing the Oneness of all. It recognizes the importance of everyone, each with his gifts and message. General change happens when the root standpoint changes – everything adapts to that. It is my belief that the One Humanity, the brotherhood and sisterhood of all, is nearer than we can imagine. The bowl of knowing is quickly filling up with the facts of the One Life and people will respond accordingly.
I. K. Taimni, The Science of Yoga: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Section II, Sutra 3, p. 130
Insights on Global Challenges and Opportunities for the Century Ahead Edited by: V. Dashavantha Reddy, K. Venkateswara Rao and K. Rama Krishna ISBN: 978-93-5230-185-0
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