About us


Alma M. Karlin

We are theosophical library, named after Alma Maximiliana Karlin. Worldwide recognized traveler and writer was also member of theosophical society in London. In Slovenia, she collaborated with all theosophists in that time.
Library in Celje began to develop 80 years ago, when they founded theosophical society, parallel with the operating of theosophists.
As well, the first circle of theosophists in Slovenia was born in year of 1928 in Celje.a
Theosophical library and reading room of Alma M. Karlin (TKBAK) is located in pleasant rooms on the Muzejski trg 8 in Celje. After it was opened in year of 2009, we had around 2500 books, but today their number is over 10 000.
In library, we uncover very interesting book gems. Most are extremely rare books. Especially because of reason, that these are only of it’s kind in Slovenia, half of them are not yet registered in largest online database Cobiss, to which it is necessary in the future to approach and attract professional public.


With catalogization of these extraordinary books we would help to development and realization of essential objectives of theosophical activities as well as presenting to wider public.
Among works, collections and photos of Alma M. Karlin, library offers to public also numerous titles and collections, which are significant for theosophy, philosophy, psychology, esoteric traditions, personal and spiritual development and world religions, such as christianity, hinduism, buddhism, judaism and islam.
Book shelves of TKBAK also contain material about comparative religion, mysticism, kabala, alchemy and numerous areas of science. Readers can easily follow ideas, that helped finding deepest meaning of life for people of different cultures.
Emphasis is being given to extensive collections of worldwide approved theosophists such as Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, C. W. Leadbeater, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, Mabel Collins and other authors, of which works are hardly avaiable in Slovenia or there are even none, for example Jiddu Krishnamurti, Osho and Sri Aurobindo.
Among that, our library supports research of physical, psychological and spiritual powers, inseparably connected with human and cosmic nature. Books from traditional areas of science complement recently published publications about spiritual ecology, near-death experiences, science anomalies and unexplained phenomena and a lot of recent insights from areas of biology, evolution and cosmogenesis. a
O NAS - pri knjizniciFor theosophists are typical personal libraries, which offer to reader oasis of peace in midst of city traffic. Material, that we can admire on book shelves in TKBAK, is collected with help of other people, collections are complemented promptly.
We are happy for books, that citizens and other people want to throw away, so we invite them to bring them to us to review them. As long as they are not appropriate, we have agreement with antiques, to replace them for more appropriate works.
Although theosophical libraries around the world are mostly limited to circle of theosophists, that are members of societies, everyone can become member of TKBAK. We strive toward values of theosophy, which focuses on comparative study, on it’s height and on independant research. In library we wish to educate wider range of people, and support them toward open minded thinking, toward healthy style of life and gathering.

Helena P. Blavatsky

Theosophical library offers to it’s members and wider public lectures, cooperation in study groups, workshops and other programs. Wide range of contents accelerates study of comparative religion, philosophy, science and health. Every month we organize meditation at full moon, presentations of actual books in Slovenia and known Slovenian artists.
“Let’s build new generation of global citizens, unladen with stereotypes, empowered by open mind, who appreciate own heritage and are understanding toward others, via dialog and education, to which we come through search of Eternal Truth”.
Welcome to Theosophical library and reading room of Alma M. Karlin in hope, that you will have fun at exchange of information with people of “good mood”.