History of theosophy
As Theosophists throughout the history of the spread of ideas, were new-platonic large community, which belonged to different religious beliefs. At that time, the Jew Aristobulus argued that Aristotle’s ethics represents the esoteric teachings of Moses Law; Philo Judaeus endeavored to coordinate the Pentateuch with the Pythagorean and Plato’s philosophy; Josephus has proved that the Essenes from Karmel were the only copyists and imitators of Egyptian therapists or healers. Thus, we can show the origin of every Christian religions and sects minimum. They are twigs, which have grown from the main branches, but both branches as tiny sprouts growing from the same trunk – RELIGION OF WISDOM. Ammonius goal was to prove. He tried to convince the pagans, Christians, Jews and idolaters, to settle simple quarrels and fights done and to remember to believe the truth all the same with different names and that they children of single mothers. Each founder of a new religion, sect or school of philosophy is necessarily a Theosophist. Therefore, theosophy, as Theosophists have been in existance, from the time when man began instinctively look for the means to express their independent views. In this sense, the theosophy is ancient wisdom – Religion, the esoteric doctrine , which was once known in every country. From it were published in all major religions and philosophy, taught him all the wise men , who appeared on earth, from Jesus to Buddha , from the Babylonian sky by the Greek Hermes.
In 1875, in New York was formed the Theosophical Society or the community, which represented a global association of people who are committed to raising the qualities of humanity through a better understanding of an individual’s life and practical retreatment of these principles. The main founders were Helena P. Blavatsky, Henry S. Olcott and William Q. Judge and many others. During this time she began to strongly attract the attention of modern spirituality respectively. spirituality , which is why many people who want to explore the spiritual sphere, become members of the community. The Theosophical community has evolved through the important and decisive phase:
1. Estabilishment of theosophical community between 1875 and 1884
HP Blavatsky (link to Blavatsky – important Theosophists ) and Olcott have set clear and durable base of the community. Work “Isis” ( Isis Unveiled ), written by Blavatsky, was setting the challenge of religious dogmatism and scientific ‘materialism ‘ . All executive powers, and centers were migrated from America to India, where HP Blavatsky and Col. Olcott founded the first Occult center at Adyar (Madras ). ( link: http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/hpbphotos28.htm ). In India and Ceylon they have encouraged believers of many religions, to convert to the new movement. Blavatsky has promoted studies of Eastern mystical traditions such as Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Freemasonry. In 1879, the first issue theosophical magazine Teozofist ( The Theosophist ) ( link text of volume 1 online ). Due to the persistence and consistency of ideas with many masters, that Blavatsky describes in a number of books, the community begins to spread around the world.
2. Between 1885 in 1891
The attack on HP Blavatsky in Madras, in which Christian missionaries were involved, the Blavatsky moved to London. She wrote a glorious personification of Theosophy, a doctrine Mystery ( The Secret Doctrine ), which represents an essential insight into the cosmic and human evolution and with purpose of the presentation and description of the universal in the theosophical concepts, connects mystical, religious and scientific from different cultures. In the same year, with the support of William Q. Judge, she founded the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society. Due to the great questions and responding to this job titles Key to Theosophy ( The Key to Theosophy ) and for those who want practical behavior, Voice of Silence ( The Voice of the Scilence ) and other prized books . Moreover, she starts to edit a magazine Lucifer (“light bearer, Eng . Lightbearer ) and teach the essence of Theosophy. She estabilished Oriental or Esoteric School of Theosophy for the training of practical occultism, for those who are willing to take on themselves self-discipline and confidence. At that time the Theosophical Community has widespread and library in Adyar has opened. Col. Olcott develops and collects all the Buddhist versions from different countries into a big of unity. Before his death, in 1891, Blavatsky’s Theosophical revive its theosophical operation in part of the Middle East.
3. Between 1892 in 1907
The Theosophical movement expands into separate organizations seeking refinement of community, with their own accents. A few years after the death of Blavatsky the source organization has divided into two parts: the community following HS Olcott and others who followed Annie Besant, which retains its leading position in Adyar. Annie Besant begins its magnificent service of India in religious, educational, soicial and later political direction. Promotes mainly Hinduism and keeps Esoteric school. In the interest of the community she travels around the world, as well as Col. Scott.
W. Q. Judge, a valued member of the Theosophical community in America wants to keep bureau of community, but he fails. Therefore, he branches and connects with the vast majority of Lodges in America. After Judge’s death in 1896, Katherine Tingley, as his successor, does a lot of traveling around the world and sets up schools in different countries, where she emphasizes practical humanitarianism, education, prison reform and world peace. In 1900, she moves top gear international community to Point Loma, California, where she establishes Raja – Yoga school and college, university and school Theosophical to revive the lost ancient mysteries. Tingley has built the first open Greek theater in America. The collapse and a lot of excitement is caused by direction advocated by C. W. Leadbeater. Col. Olcott dies.
4. Between 1907 in 1933
Annie Besant was selected for the President. A period of great expansion and the issuance of the relevant literature begins, for which is still a lot of demand. J. Krishnamurti was presented to the world as possible expected World Teacher. Community is a dynamic force that extends in all directions, inseminated areas of religion, education, Freemasonry (which also accepts women) and social services. Established in other occult center in Sydney (Australia ) with the Bishop CW Leadbeater at the helm. The third center, led by Bishop JI Wedgwood, is set up in Huiznu ( Netherlands ). Christianity obtains special attention in these two centers, while J. Krishnamurti declares their views and decide not to be connected with any of the other organizations. These considerations lead to the thrill. Annie Besant passes away. In addition, in 1909, Robert Crosbie sets up a second major theosophical community, the United Lodge of Theosophists in Los Angeles (California).
5. Between 1933 in 1937
In 1934, George Sydney Arundale is elected as president and excited about the narrow focus of Theosophy ( Straight Theosophy ) and consolidation, resulting in the community, which enters into new era. Bishop C. W. Leadbeater noticed occult and rare clairvoyance. C. Jinarajadasa take his place leading the School esoteric and center in Sydney. Arundale expresses interest in young people and their service, which is driven by Shrimati Rukmini Devi, Arundal’s wife in the Young Theosophists and becomes head of the Centre in Huizn.
These are only the main directions in the fascinating story of great human ideals, they boldly practiced. Through devotional service members, the community is held together even today with the same objective of promoting the development of humanity towards universal brotherhood, the realization of the unity of the eternal self in all things and discovering the divine qualities in human nature.