
Judaísm is abrahamic religion; faith and culture of Jewish people. It is first  attested monoteistic religion. It is manytimes wrongly interpretated, that Jewish god is named as Jahve (or Jehova), although in judaism, the god name is never pronounced. There is known only signature JHVH, of which pronounciation has been lost through centuries. Jewish religion partly represents basic for some other
religions, like christianity and islam. Abraham is known as first Jew, who made commitment with god and took Hebrew (jewish nation) from egyptian slavery to promise land. Jews believe that God have choosen them as special nation and concluded commitment with Abraham. He and his wife Sara were sad, because didn’t have children. Some day Abraham heard God, who spoken to him to not be
sad: he will have so many descendants, as there are stars on sky, and they will live in their promised land. Soon after that, son named Izak was born. Izak’s son was
named Jakob or Israel and Abraham descedants became known as Israel people.
(Jewish habit of prunning originates from times of Abraham and is sign, that
boy is his descedant.) After commitment, god promised he will care for Israelis,
but they must be submissive. When Israelis stabilized in Kanaan, they didn’t faithfully kept the law. Prophets were people, who reminded Israelis for responsibiliry, originating in commitment, and warned them before effects of disobedience. They often cared about the poor and people in distress and claimed that Israels have as people elected from God also responsibility toward others.
From middle of 8. century BC and on, in Kanaan (now Isreal) was ruled by different nations, even Asirians, Babilonians, Romans. In the year of 587 BC, the Babilonians demolished temple and many Isreaels were deported into slavery to Babilon.
Jerusalemish kingdom was also named “Juda”, deported Isarelis became known as Jewish. They began to fulfill commandments, which Moses got, even more strictly, so that identity would be preserved. For example, they were very
strict regarding celebration of shabat (sunday) and laws, which prohibited consuming particular sort of food.
Foreigners were non-trusting to Jews because of this different tradition, because they didn’t approve it nor understand.
Until 1. century BC, Isreal was under Roman domination. Because of resistance, Romans in year of 70 AC demolished second temple, which was built in Jerusalem; jewish education became non-legal and every jewish who tried to educate, was killed. And also, second time, many Jew people were expelled from Israel. Those people formed Jewish communities among Mediterian sea, and have spread in Spain and Portugal, later also to eastern and middle Europe. This dispersion
or displacement of Jews became known as diaspora. Today, this word is being used for all Jewish, not living in Israel.
In centuries after diaspore, Jewish people suffered because of further persecution, especially by Christian rulers.
Christian world had bias toward Jewish people, which originated from religious and economic facts. Jews in contrast
to christians don’t recognize Jesus as Son of God. Christians accused jews, that they got rich at the expense of other people’s debts. This was because of the Christian faith prohibits lending money and charging interest , so are services taken over by Jews , who are not able to perform many other professions.
The Jews have long been mistreated, finally, by the late Middle Ages expelled from England, France, and even from Spain, where they were until that very successful. In countries where there are none; expelled were often forced to live in separate and poorer neighborhoods called ghettos. Bias against Jews is called anti-Semitism, it continued from the Middle Ages, to the 20th century. In the years 1871 – 1907 were Jews in Russia affected by major massacres known as pogroms. Many of them fled to the United States and Palestine. (Romans renamed the ancient land of Israel to Palestine.)
Through all persecution through history they had to live somewhere in closed area, dedicated to them. It is called ghetto.
Jews are dispersed around entire globe, and lot of them assimilated with local society; they often took over local language and habits, except for religion. Persecution of members of Jewish religion reached it’s peak with nazi holocaust during second world war. After this, they proclaimed estabilishment of Jewish state, where Jews from all around the globe created their own state of Israel.
